Economic Development Committee Minutes 06.10.21

The meeting started a bit after 6:00. Present were Scott McCaskill (chair), Matt Monahan (CNHRPC) via Zoom, Mel Pfeifle, and Stan Ovrevik via Zoom. Tracey Quigley of the Bradford Historical Society was also present via Zoom.

We discussed extending the West ERZ (Economic Revitalization Zone) to cover the whole of West Main Street, exclusive of the Fire Station, Town Hall, and Church. This would put the entirety of Main Street in the ERZ. Matt will make the revisions, forward a copy Scott for distribution to the EDC, and another to Pam Bruss for distribution to the Planning Board. Planning Board will notify EDC and Select Board of approval, or of any revisions needed.

We also discussed possible uses of the old Naughton Property on East Main Street. Tracey said that the Historical Society already has some tentative plans for the use of the front section, and has funding sources. We thought that the Society’s plans were good, and that they should be presented to the Select Board for an official assent, which would allow the Society to proceed with confidence.

There was some limited discussion of the rail trail/snowmobile trail through the town, and possible uses of the Tall Pines area, but time was running short.

We ended the meeting just after 7:00.