Economic Development Committee Minutes 08.15.22

The meeting got underway at 6:04. Present were Scott McCaskill, Mel Pfeifle, Jim Bibbo, and Matt Monahan (CNHRPC, via Zoom). Also present was Harry Wright of the Historical Society.

The discussion continued on the possible uses of the back part of the Naughton property. Mel mentioned that the Marshall barn, that used to sit on the property, had been disassembled and numbered and was currently stored by John Mock, and could perhaps be reassembled on the property. Matt stressed that we need to determine how we want the property to be used, and then work backward through the “how” of accomplishing it. He suggested applying to have PlanNH run a charrette on the property. I noted that the town had done that once before, in 1998.

Jim had some questions on workforce housing, and how that might differ from “low-income” housing. Matt explained some of the differences.

We also discussed the possible incorporation of Map 17 Lot 7 (where Bowie’s store used to be) into the project, and how this might be accomplished.

Matt will contact someone from PlanNH, to attend our next meeting in September. Scott will contact local business owners to try to get them to attend.

The meeting ending at 6:50.

Minutes submitted by Scott McCaskill.