Economic Development Committee Minutes 11.21.22

The meeting started at 6:06. Present were Scott McCaskill (chair), Matt Monahan (CNHRPC, via Zoom), Joe Torro, Kris Foss, and Mel Pfeifle. Also present were Libby Webb, and Tracey Quigley (via Zoom) of the Historical Society.

New members Joe and Kris were welcomed. As Libby has attended past meetings and expressed interest in becoming a member, we voted to submit her recommendation to the Select Board, with all the members present, Scott, Joe, Kris, and Mel voting in the affirmative.

We discussed the 1998 charrette (see and the general recommendations that had been made. The main question ended up being how to draw people off the highway and into the town? What attractions does the town currently have? Some suggestions were the covered bridge — evidently covered bridge tours are a thing — walking trails, the businesses currently in town. How might these be taken advantage of? Suggestions were signage indicating the businesses (as opposed to the current ad-hoc collection of sign boards), perhaps an information kiosk of some sort, indications of where to find parking; perhaps signs indicating walking or hiking loops (e.g. Tall Pines), indicating natural or historical features. Other possible features were the extensive network of hiking/snowmobile/skiing trails, and the several large fields that could host events.

Discussion then turned to the second floor of the Town Hall. Joe noted that it was one of the focal points of the town when he was young. Mel noted that renovation work will be starting soon and that we need to make sure that it is done right, that we get the facilities we need without exceeding a limited budget. She suggested that the EDC members take a tour through the building.

Joe had been asked to look more deeply into the Naughton property. He reported that he had talked to Chris Way, who referred us to the extensive reports (Credere ad others) already done on the site. He noted that the section where development would be constrained, is a very small part of the whole parcel, and that most of the land is suitable for any kind of use.

Tracey outlined some of the projects that the Historical Society, which uses the front section of the Naughton property, has been working on. She also noted that they have been working toward obtaining a long-term lease from the town, of that part of the property, and anticipate an article appearing in next year’s warrant. Scott suggested that we might use their lease arrangement as an example of how the remainder of the property might be leased to the James Foundation.

Discussion returned to the Town Hall, and then to the old Masonic building and its possible uses.

The meeting was brought to a close at 7:25.

Submitted by Scott McCaskill