Economic Development Minutes 10.03.24

The meeting came to order at 6:02 pm. Present were Scott McCaskill (chair), Bruce Gezelman, Marlene Freyler (Select Board), and, via Zoom, Matt Monahan of CNHRPC. We did not make a quorum.

Marlene reported on the progress of the Currier & Ives Scenic Byway proposal. On a suggestion by Clyde Carson of Warner, she has made contact with Lucy St. John of NHDOT. She said that Lucy will be researching some things and will get back to her by the next meeting.

Matt said that he had finally made contact with NHDOT regarding the right-of-way modification at the Main Street/Route 103 crossing, and will also be following up.

Jim Bibbo arrived at 6:10. With a quorum now present, the minutes from the last meeting were accepted.

Bruce has continued his work on grant writers with Bryan Nowell and Ed Shaughnessy. They have developed a list of possibilities, and will be sorting through and evaluating them in the coming month.

Marlene noted that the town has a fund for matching funds for grants.

Talk turned to grants specifically for towns. Jim noted that we often fail to qualify for some grants due to our higher-then-median income level. Scott asked Matt about the state of the CEDS grants. Matt said that they would need to be revised and resubmitted sometime in the Spring of 2025. He had recently walked West Main Street with the Highway Department and the Planning Board, and noted that there may be some funding available for that. There was some discussion of bridge and road maintenance in general.

The meeting adjourned at 6:47 pm.

Minutes submitted by Scott McCaskill