Energy Committee Minutes 02.20.24

In attendance: Sandra Bravo, Kathleen Bigford, Marlene Freyler, Jenny Locke-Howley, Susan Moss, Laura Ryder
Review and approval of January Minutes

  1. Community Power Update
    Warrant article to vote on the Town of Bradford joining the Community Power Coalition has been prepared for Town Meeting. Jenny and Kathleen have submitted the required Bradford Energy Aggregation plan to the PUC for approval. The Select Board will be given the documents to review on March 11, and pending approval at Town Meeting, they will have until March 25th to sign before submitting to CPC by March 29. Meeting these deadlines will allow Bradford to launch Community Power in June. Although Eversource lowered rates considerably on Feb 1st, CPC still offers a lower rate by 2% (8.29/kwh vs 8.1/kwh). CPC also offers customers the option to choose a higher percentage of clean energy if they are willing to pay a little more per kwh. (The standard percentage of electricity produced from clean sources is currently 23%.)
  2. Town Hall Renovation Project – Certificate of Occupancy should be coming very soon. Important to note that the town has received $20,000 back from New Hampshire Saves in incentives for using energy and cost cutting measures on the Town Hall.
  3. Municipal Weatherization Status
    a. Fire Station Update. Shakes to Shingles has subcontracted the weatherstripping around one garage door. Upon completion, Bradford will submit the paperwork to NHSaves to receive the anticipated rebate of $11,871.50.
  4. Solar Energy – No updates.
  5. Heat Pumps – No updates.
  6. Kearsarge Climate Action – Met on January 10, 2024. Regional Projects
    a. Continuing to work on KCA outreach/publicity goals. Is there interest in being added to the KCA email distribution? KCA is also currently evaluating the long-term viability of the organization.
    b. Business Generated Food Waste
  7. CET (Center for Environmental Technology) will be providing the results of their findings regarding business generated food waste in the Kearsarge area.
  8. CET will be working with the Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission on a study of residential food waste. Note that this is an area that Lois Kilnapp addresses frequently in her articles for the Bradford Bridge. Residents can bring their non-meat containing food scraps to our transfer station for composting.
  9. CET is offering free compost site technical assessments and met with Sweet Beet. Sweet Beet is also looking into a gleaning program.
  10. CET offers assistance on deconstruction/building materials and a residential program is in the works.

c. Window Dressers- Met their goal for the Kearsarge Region.
i. 209 window inserts were installed in 29 households for a total 2100 sq. ft. of windows. According to WD, for every sq. ft. of window covered with inserts, it saves an equivalent of 8/10 of a gallon of #2 oil or 1686 gallons oil saved from the 2023 project.
ii. There is already a waitlist of over 100 inserts for 2024. Volunteers are needed.

  1. New Hampshire Network Update
    Laura attended a webinar on funding sources for rebates, tax credits, grants, contacts for info on technology, and how to qualify. Karen has set up an Energy Committee Page on the website and Laura is working on out to best get information to residents as it becomes available.
    Currently, the NHN is looking into heat pumps, and how they can be best used and installed by residents.
  2. Legislative Updates
    a. A good place to stay on top of NH legislative updates is through the
    There are many energy-related bills being voted on in the state, and NHN does a great job sending out info and links for citizens to register their support. We urge people in town to get on their mailing list. (NHN address above)
    b. BEC decided not to submit a warrant article to fund a Municipal Transportation Improvement Fee per NH RSA 261:153 which allows towns and cities to collect an additional $5 fee per vehicle registration.
  3. BEC Public Outreach
    a. The January issue of the Bradford Bridge contained a NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE COMMUNITY POWER PROJECT. The February issue contained information on cold climate air source heat pumps, heat pump hot water heaters, and financial assistance for these energy saving measures that will be forthcoming later this year when the Department of Energy has the funds in place. When this happens, the Energy Committee will highlight these programs on the town website, in the Bradford Bridge, and posters around town.
    b. Susan will make a large poster with the logo for Bradford Community Power to be used for Town Meeting.
  4. Proposed articles for March Bridge – A short piece on voting for Community Power.
  5. Hazard Mitigation Plan – Sandra will continue to attend Zoom meetings to support the development of plans by the town to ensure eligibility for funds for weather events, etc.
  6. Conclude – Next meeting will be Tuesday, March 19, 6-7pm. (Note new time)