Energy Committee Minutes 03.15.22

Meeting at BACC 5:00-6:20 pm. Attended by: Sandra Bravo, Kathleen Bigford, Mel Pfeifle, Karen Hambleton, Susan Reeder Moss, Laura Ryder

  1. Review and approval of February Minutes – Approved
  • Status of Bradford Energy Goals and Draft Plan to Achieve Energy Goals

Passed on 3/9/22: Article Thirty-One:  To see if the Town will vote to commit to a community-wide goal of transitioning to 100 percent reliance on renewable sources of electricity by 2030 and renewable sources of fuel for heating and transportation by 2050. 

  1. Next steps: keep on track for weatherization of town buildings.
    1. Add the Town Hall to our list of buildings. (See #8c)
  • Municipal Weatherization Status

Passed on 3/9/21: Article Thirty:  To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Thirteen Thousand Dollars ($13,000.00) for the purpose of implementing energy saving measures to reduce the annual energy consumption of the Highway Garage as outlined in the Energy Audit Report Sponsored by Eversource Energy dated February 9, 2021. 

  1. We need to get two updated quotes for the work which will need to be coordinated with repairs to the door and cement wall of one bay.
  • Solar Energy
    • Municipal Buildings Solar Feasibility Review

We are looking into the feasibility of solar panels at the highway department. Kathleen will contact Granite State Solar for more detailed analysis.  She will also find out how many trees would need to come down and at what price before solar could be installed.

  • Eversource Major NH Projects list does not include any locations in the Kearsarge area.

How does this impact possible future community solar projects near Bradford? Currently, the nearest substation is 20 miles from Bradford. There will be funds available for clean energy development through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill. How might this change the picture for upgrades to the grid? See attached document for types of projects specific to Climate, Energy, and Environment.

  • Federal Tax Credit Dropping for Residential Solar

Currently the federal solar tax credit allows individual tax payers to lower their Federal Income Taxes by 26% for installing a solar energy system. The credit goes down to 22% in 2023. Unless it is renewed by Congress, 2023 will be the last year the credit will be offered. The BEC will publish a letter in the Bradford Bridge to offer residents more information on the tax credit and to encourage them to consider installing solar in 2022.

  • Kearsarge Climate Action Items
    • Regional School District (KRSD) STEAM Renewable Opportunities – Project not approved.

Despite being voted down by the school district, there is still hope that solar energy could be installed at the school and we will continue to track these efforts through Kearsarge Climate Action.

  • The Kearsarge Climate Action Committee Solar Energy Subcommittee, comprised of representatives from New London, Andover and Bradford, met by Zoom on 2/24/22 and will review funding sources for renewable energy projects under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill. Also discussed Community Power Coalition of NH, a non-profit. We are finding out more about the coalition.
  • Ten Towns, Ten Actions Toolkit to Reduce Plastic Waste – Representatives of KCA member towns met on 3/7/22 by ZOOM to discuss joining this initiative of 10 towns in NH to raise awareness of the problems of plastic pollutions and reduce plastic waste. (Sandra and Susan participated). Next meeting 3/31/22
    • We agree that we would like Bradford to be involved with Ten Towns, Ten Actions.
      • We have begun talking to other community groups in town to assess interest and coordinate Bradford’s participation in the Plastic Pollution Reduction Challenge that will be held in July.
      • Link to Ten Towns, Ten Actions website:
    • E-bike Loan Program New London Whipple Hall 7/20 – 8/9/22.

No new information

  • EV Show – scheduled 9/24 noon to 4pm at NL Historical Society

No new information

  • NEC student environmental/energy involvement and projects – NEC students are working on a website for KCA. We may be able to link the work of the Bradford Energy Committee to this website.
  • Improving Public Presence of BEC
    • Review draft Residential Solar letter for publication in The Bradford Bridge and other outlets.

It’s important for residents to understand the Federal Solar Tax Credit as an incentive for installing residential solar. See discussion above in 4c.

  • An article on Heat Pumps for residential heating will be submitted for the May Bridge. An article on plastics reduction will be submitted for June.
  • BEC documentation management. We continue to upload information to our shared Google Drive
  • Other Items
    • BEC letter to Police Chief regarding purchase of electric or hybrid police cruiser was sent on 3/10/22.

Chief Shaughnessy did check into prices on hybrid police cruisers and found that none are available in 2022.

  • Energy Opportunities for Bradford Re: ARPA Funds and Grants and Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill

We are looking more closely at opportunities to take part in federally funded projects to shift to clean energy and reduce energy needs through weatherization.

  • Town Hall Renovation Project approved 3/9/22.  BEC involvement has been invited by the Select Board to recommend energy saving measures, to research energy efficient heating and cooling possibilities, and to identify grant opportunities to fund the additional costs of such measures. It is essential that our Town Hall be up to date with efficient technology to reduce future energy costs to the town. The timeline is short. As soon as the updated plans are available from Trumbull-Nelson we will review and make recommendations.
    • Laura is sending us the zoom link for a presentation on March 23rd on Clean Energy in NH.
  • Conclude: Next meeting will be on April 19, 2022, 5:00-6:00pm at the BACC.