Energy Committee Minutes 07.16.24

In attendance: Sandra Bravo, Jenny Locke-Howley, Susan Moss, Laura Ryder. Also attending, resident Rett Weber

  • Review and approval of June Minutes
  • Community Power Update

Postcards from the Community Power Coalition (CPCNH) announcing the electric supply rates for the next 6 months, effective August 1, 2024 – Jan 1, 2025 will be available to residents at the Town Hall.

Basic supply rate for CPC will be 8.6 cents per KWH.  (Eversource supply rates will be increasing to 10.458 cents per KWH.) Both suppliers include 24% renewable sources of electricity at this rate.

Note: CPCNH customers can also opt up to purchase their supply for higher renewable content:

33% renewable energy at 9.3 ¢/KWH

50% renewable energy at 10 ¢/KWH, (Note: this is less than Eversource’s rate for 24% renewable)

100% renewable content at 12 ¢/KWH. 

Note: At no extra charge, any customer may opt out of the Community Power program or opt up for higher renewable energy in their supply by calling 1-866-603-POWR during normal business hours, or email at

  • Municipal Weatherization Status 

Fire Station Update. Awaiting an anticipated rebate of $11,871.50 from NHSaves.

  • Solar Energy – Rett Weber discussed his interest in creating an electricity micro-grid in his neighborhood. All agreed more research is needed. Also see 8c and 9a.
  • Heat Pumps – Chief Nowell was notified that the installation of the heat pump at the Fire Station qualifies for a $500 incentive payment. He anticipates the installation of the heat pumps in July.
  • New Hampshire Network Update – Not much to report at this time from the Network but discussion was generated on several topics: Laura discussed grant possibilities with Lois for food waste collection and composting. She and Ken collect and compost food waste brought voluntarily by residents. Sandra discussed grant possibilities for styrene recycling and reconnecting with the Ten Towns Toolkit for plastic reduction.
  • Legislative Updates
    • Legislative bills impacting energy and the environment will be coming in the fall.
  • BEC Public Outreach
    • The July Bridge contained an article titled Demystifying the Residential Energy Tax Credits for Homeowners. The draft version was inadvertently printed in July containing an error in the cost sample for installing a heat pump hot water heater. The final draft has been submitted to the Bridge to reprint in August. Thank you, Bradford Bridge!
    • Flyer with new CPCNH rates for August 1, 2024- January 1, 2025 will be printed in the August Bridge.
    • Jenny will research advice for homeowners on the ins and outs of installing solar for residential installation. Susan will assist.
  • Other Items
    • Update on Group Net Metering. Sandra has been in contact with Roofless Solar, powered by Community Solar Platform, which sells 100% renewable (solar) electricity to municipalities and schools at a 20% discount under the State’s Group Net Metering law. There are no costs to participate and no solar panels installed on Town buildings. Residents are not eligible for the program. The town may participate in Group Net Metering while simultaneously using a third party supplier such as Bradford Community Power. More research will follow.
    • Town Warrant article thirty vote in 2022 committed the town to a community wide goal to seek 100% renewable electric supply by 2030 and renewable sources of fuel for heating and transportation by 2050. The CIP maps out town vehicles and equipment that are up for replacement in the next ten years. We would like to meet with heads of the various departments to encourage the purchase of non-fossil fueled equipment. We will seek possible grant opportunities to help fund equipment and vehicles as they come up for replacement.
  • Conclude at 6pm. Next meeting will be August 20, 5-6pm. Hoping for cooler weather.