Energy Committee Minutes 08.17.21

In attendance: Sandra Bravo, Kathleen Bigford, Susan Reeder Moss, Mel Pfeifle, Laura Ryder

Guest presenter: Ned Raynolds, Commercial Solar Consultant from ReVision Energy

  • Solar Energy Prospects for Bradford Presented by Ned Raynolds, Commercial Solar Consultant  of Revision Energy:
    • Bradford’s position in terms of providing solar power for town buildings. Is implementing energy saving measures Bradford’s best energy saving strategy? 

Bradford’s municipal buildings are not co-located and the electricity usage is on the low side (estimated at 100,000 kilowatt hours/year.)

  •  The current community solar power legislative environment. What are the possibilities for municipalities? Is it wise for towns to prepare for future legislation that makes community solar power viable? 

The presentation included a discussion of the regulatory climate in NH and several options for bringing solar energy into the community including the Community Power Act, Power Purchase Agreements and Group Net Metering.  Recent environmental legislation regarding renewable energy was passed at the State House but no regulations implementing the new laws have been written. Part of the legislation passed allows municipalities and school districts to host up to 5 (MWs) of renewable generation projects under Group Net Metering. Net metering is a way for renewable energy producers to get paid for the excess power they generate.

  • Basic description of the proposal to put a photovoltaic installation on Bradford town property. If/when the laws change, could this installation put solar generated power into the community?

This proposal would involve the Town of Bradford working with ReVision Energy and investors to develop a group net metering solar installation on town-owned land near the transfer station, Map 3 Lot 110. Net metering is a way for renewable energy producers to get paid for excess power generated.  The benefits to the Town include new revenue streams (lease and other payments), credits to the Town’s electric bills, while allowing the Town to reduce its carbon footprint. Each MW of solar arrays, which powers about 240 homes, requires 5-6 acres.

  • If the project were to move forward, what does the Town need to do?

Ultimately the decision of whether to move forward with entering into a lease to develop the solar farm on Town property would be Warrant Article.

There is much for the BEC to discuss and review in order for the BEC to make recommendations to the Selectboard about further actions. ReVision’s presentation can be accessed below by putting in your email address.

  • Minutes from June approved
  • Weatherization

The Library Trustees have approved the energy savings measures (ESMs) contract. The town administrator will submit the contracts to Shakes to Shingles and the NHSaves Program. The work is anticipated to begin late this year.

Estimates to complete the ESMs at the BACC, Fires Station and Highway Garage must still be obtained. The BEC is attempting to find out more details about the NHSaves Municipal program as it relates to hiring contractors to perform the work identified in the Energy Audit Reports conducted at each facility.

Town Hall. Discussion of how to leverage savings from the NHSaves Municipal program includes rebates for energy efficient HVAC and lighting renovation of the Town Hall ensued.  The BEC was advised that the Project Architect should work with Eversource to leverage these programs.

  • Improving Public Presence of BEC

No discussion.

  • Meeting adjourned, and next meeting will be September 21st at 5:00pm.