Energy Committee Minutes 09.17.24

Review and approval of August Minutes

  • Community Power Update – All seems to be going smoothly.
  • Municipal Weatherization Status
    • Fire Station – Updated paperwork was submitted to NHSaves.  
  • Solar Energy – Susan and Jenny are working on tips for avoiding solar installation scams for the Bridge.
  • Heat Pumps
    • Going forward we will rename this topic as “Electrification” to reflect expanded possibilities for converting to electric.
    • Town resident, Ken Parys, had offered to provide updated information on the use of Heat Pumps.
  • New Hampshire Network Update
    • Laura has sent us info about Their purpose is to be consumer advocates around the actions of the Public Utilities Commission (PUC). Sandra has signed up for a free trial.

Update on NH 2023 HCR5: “A RESOLUTION urging the taking of appropriate legal action against multinational fossil fuel companies for harms incurred from disinformation campaigns about the effects of fossil fuel combustion.” The House ruled 2023-03-10 – Inexpedient to Legislate. Is Tony Kaplan bringing this back to the legislature?  Kathleen is checking.

  • BEC Public Outreach in September –
    • Notice of the Sept. 29th EV expo in New London appeared in the September Bridge.
  • Proposed articles for October Bridge
    • Residential Solar Energy buyer beware. Susan/Jenny will submit to Kathleen.
    • Should we have a nonpartisan article about “Our NH Climate is on the Ballot”?

Sandra will write a letter to the editor on the topic instead.

  • Other Items
    • Update on Group Net Metering: The Town has requested proposals for municipal electricity service for the coming year including from Roofless Solar.
    • Recycling Styrofoam – Sandra will continue to pursue opportunities including a potential Styrofoam Collection Day in Bradford. Collected Styrofoam is delivered to Gilford to be densified for use by other manufacturers. Other nearby towns have arranged collection days at their transfer stations.
    • Postcards and Bumper Stickers regarding “Our NH Climate is on the Ballot” to be mailed to undeclared infrequent voters in Bradford by Sandra.  She will also leave bumper stickers at public spaces.
      • Possible messaging – Identify 3 or 4 bullet points about environmental issues our community is concerned about.  Suggestions from the committee include focus on the effects of climate change in NH.
    • Getting the word out to Bradford department heads about Electrification opportunities. See Item 4 above. Laura has offered to head this up and we will take it up at our next meeting.
    • NHSaves opportunities for Bradford businesses. We need to continue to discuss how best to inform local business of opportunities.
    • Should BEC have representation on the Facilities Use Committee? – next meeting 9/18 at 8:30 am

We do not see a direct role for being involved right now.

  1. Conclude – Next meeting will be Oct 15th, 5-6 at Town Hall.