Energy Committee Minutes 10.04.22

Approved August and September Minutes

  • Energy Committee Participation in Bradford Town Day – see item 8 below.
  • Vital Communities Climate Change Leadership Academy Updates.  Runs September-November.

Kathleen and Jenny are participating and have chosen projects. Kathleen is working on how the town could implement a solar installation. Jenny is working on the possibilities for Community Power in Bradford and keeping a watch on changing regulations in NH.

  • Town Hall Renovation Project – Update

No further info except what was reported in the October Bradford Bridge. NH Saves contract was signed by the Select Board.

  • Municipal Weatherization Status  
  • Highway Garage Update – repairs to the overhead door are scheduled and the weatherization work is expected to take place this October. Repairs are imminent – Shakes to Shingles can do the job this month.
  • Library, Fire Station and BACC.  Weatherization estimates were provided to the CIP Committee for incorporation in the 2023 CIP Plan, and we are waiting to hear if they have been approved.  Note: Part of the Library was weatherized in 2021 but the basement weatherization has yet to be completed. Items not approved could still be petitioned to be included on the warrant.
  • Solar Energy
  • BEC is in the process of evaluating the feasibility of installing roof-top solar on all Municipal buildings.  Solar companies contacted include GSS, Revision Energy, Norwich Solar. Highway Dept roof is not rated structurally sound for solar installation. If the Town Hall roof is rated appropriate for solar, LCHIP will require it not be visible from the street. Fire Station roof would need work. Very large pine trees on the abutter’s property on Main Street at the Library would likely have to be removed in order to install rooftop solar panels.  Should solar installations be a line item or be rolled into the budget of individual departments?
  • BEC toured the new solar installation at Newbury’s wastewater treatment plant at Blodgett’s Landing.  This 100kWh ground mounted installation was built by Revision Energy at no cost to Newbury. Important points:
  • It produces 100kwh. – It is paid for by the investors. – Constructed by Revision. – Town gets a discount on electric bills while the investors receive the net metering price. –  Newbury can buy out the investors at a deep discount in five years.
  • Transfer Station Property. Kathleen toured the site with Revision to discuss the feasibility of constructing a 100 kWh Net Metering solar installation on town-owned land.  Further investigation by Revision is needed before any proposal can be made to the Select Board and town residents.
  • Heat Pumps – No updates. Must weatherize your house first. Sandra will report on her experience in her own home as the winter goes on.
  • Kearsarge Climate Action Items
  • Looking for input from members regarding the mission of KCA.

Struggling with poor attendance at the meetings. Is there a role for a regional climate action group?   We see that working as a regional group might make it easier to identify money that is available for energy projects for each town to use. We can work through the Department of Agriculture: regional director in Montpelier. VT. We can also work through the NH chapter of the Nature Conservancy to find out what is available.

  • Transportation Council is holding a meeting to discuss NH’s EV infrastructure plan on Zoom on Oct 12 at 9am. Important to figure out how to deal with the batteries. (Batteries last 8-10 years).
  • BEC Public Outreach
  • Article in the October Bradford Bridge about “Celebrate Energy Efficiency Day on October 5, 2022.”
  • BEC activities to celebrate Bradford Town Day 9/24/2022: Goal to raise awareness of Bradford’s renewable energy goals and promote the NH Saves Button up workshop on Nov 9. Not much traffic early but after soccer games, the crowd picked up. People who came to our tent were supportive of the committee’s work in town. We also participated in the parade with our sandwich boards and banners about the renewable energy goal in Bradford.
  • Outreach to NH politicians. Remind people to ask our candidates about their positions on energy. On Oct 22, the Bradford Bridge is sponsoring a candidates’ forum at 11am. Saturday, at the Bradford Center Meetinghouse.  There will be two questions on energy posed to the candidates.
  • NH Saves Button Up Workshop November 9, 2022 6:30 – 8 at the BACC. This is an opportunity for residents to learn about saving electricity, insulation and air sealing, energy audit and weatherization programs, rebates on electric and gas appliances, and other incentives from Eversource. We will post the “candy board” for promotion at the BLM and BACC and in the Bradford Bridge. Jenny will see if the information can be delivered through the elementary school weekly news. Ellen will give zoom links to anyone who requests them and. Laura will field the zoom chat for any online participants.
  • Energy Opportunities for Bradford Re: Inflation Reduction Act formerly known as Build Back Better.

The BEC will continue to report on energy saving opportunities.

  1. Conclude
  2. Next meeting will be November 22 5:00.