Energy Committee Minutes 10.19.21

Meeting via Zoom 5:00-6:00 pm. In attendance: Sandra Bravo, Kathleen Bigford, Laura Ryder, Susan Moss, Mel Pfeifle, Michael James, Karen Hambleton

  • Review and approval of September Minutes.

Minutes approved.

  • Status of Revision Energy Solar Energy Proposal for Transfer Station Property

The Revision Energy Solar Energy Proposal for the Transfer Station has been sent to the Planning and Zoning boards. We are asking that they indicate the approvals needed /questions to be answered before a formal presentation of the proposal is made to the Select Board.

  • Status of Implementation of Energy Audit Energy Saving Recommendations for four Bradford Municipal Facilities

Contractors representing two different companies, approved by NH Saves, have toured the BACC, The Highway Department, and the Fire Station. We are waiting now for their proposal bids for the weatherization work.

  • Proposed Weatherization Campaign Update

Currently NH Saves has more funding available in their Municipal, Commercial, Industrial, and Church weatherization programs than in residential programs. We discussed the idea of promoting the weatherization program to local businesses in town. Extending the weatherization program to include the Town Hall was discussed, but unfortunately, it will not qualify for NH Saves energy incentives and rebates until it is occupied.

Note: It has been brought to our attention that additional funding is available to churches to help offset the costs of lowering their carbon footprint from the NH Interfaith Power & Light Katy Gerke Memorial Program which provides matching grants.

  • Improving Public Presence of BEC

Continue monthly articles in the Bradford Bridge on a range of energy conservation topics.

Laura will write about the electric bike.

We will report in the Bridge on the energy savings benefits to the town from a recent conversion to LED lighting at the Highway department and the BAAC. The town has also locked in their electric rate for the year.

  • BEC documentation management

We are in the process of organizing all BEC minutes, agendas, informational articles, and a timeline of projects through Google Drive.

  • Other Items

Michael James attended the meeting to share information about the Foundation that he and Claire James have created. The mission of the foundation is to support area non-profit organizations in a variety of areas including sustainability. He invited the committee to imagine a wide range of projects that could improve energy efficiency and lower costs that might be outside of the town’s ability to fund through the annual budget. There is much potential for the committee to steer future projects through the generous stewardship of this foundation. Thank you, Michael and Claire.

  • Conclude: Next meeting will be on November 16 at 5pm at the BACC.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan Reeder Moss