In attendance: Kathleen Bigford, Susan Reeder Moss, Laura Ryder, Marlene Freyler
Review and approval of October Minutes
- Community Power Update: The municipality of Bradford will be enrolling in the Community Power Coalition. Residents have been enrolled in the CPC since July 2024.
- Municipal Weatherization Status
- An incentive payment of $12,193.24 for Energy Savings Measures at the Fire Department was received by the Town.
- Solar Energy – Nothing new
- Electrification
- Getting the word out to Bradford department heads about Electrification opportunities.
Sandra attended the 2024 local Energy Solutions Conference (LEPC) November 1 and picked up literature from the US Department of Energy – Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy on EVs and Batteries. Sandra will provide a short summary of the issues to facilitate the exchange of information with Department heads. Copies were attached to the Agenda.
We will read before discussing further.
- Switching over to electric equipment for municipalities is being looked at.
The Fire Dept has already invested in some rechargable electric equipment.
Laura has been looking into cost comparisons of electrical power equipment vs gas powered. Rechargeable electric equipment comes out ahead in saving money. However there are concerns on the length of time the battery runs between charges, which could make all day use difficult in some cases.
- Battery backup generators with solar panel cost $30,000. Over 10 years they save more money than gas generators that cost $6,000-9,0000.
- Info on heat pumps. No new information.
- New Hampshire Network Update
- Meeting on Thursday at 3 from Clean Energy New Hampshire. Topic:
Looking at IRA money/programs. Susan will attend this Zoom meeting and report on it.
- Legislative Updates
- A good place to stay on top of NH legislative updates is through the
- BEC Public Outreach in November
- Letter to the Editor “Be a Climate Champion”
- Residential Solar Energy issues and choices
- Proposed articles for December Bridge
- We do not have an article for this month
- January article: An update on Inflation Reduction Act Funds available in 2025. Also: a reminder of which energy improvements offer federal tax credits on for 2024 tax returns. (Susan will do)
- Other Items
- Recycling Styrofoam – Sandra will continue to pursue opportunities including a potential Styrofoam Collection Day in Bradford no update
- NHSaves opportunities for Bradford businesses no update
- Inflation Reduction Funds availability. Sandra also picked up several brochures from the Office of Jeanne Shaheen on the Federal Energy Resource Guide and will distribute them to others at the next meeting.
- On November 15th, Susan and Sandra attended the Upper Valley Adaptation Work group on building climate resilient communities. Many people representing various organization attended to identify and discuss various local actions that will help our communities adapt and build resilience to weather/natural events intensified by climate change. Our actions on the local level are key, and especially working together between different organizations such as: Housing and Conservation.
- Meeting adjourned. Next meeting: December 17, 2024 5-6pm at Town Hall.