Energy Committee Minutes 12.14.21

In attendance: Sandra Bravo, Kathleen Bigford, Laura Ryder, Susan Moss

  1. Review and approval of November Minutes.  Minutes approved.
  • Status of Revision Energy Solar Energy Proposal for Transfer Station Property

Revision Energy filed a preapplication with Eversource for their Solar Energy Proposal at the Transfer Station. They were informed by Eversource that the current electric infrastructure for the grid is not sufficient to support new electricity generation nor are there plans to upgrade. This is very disappointing for Bradford and other small towns who wish to contribute to the development of alternative energy in the state. We thank the Zoning and Planning Boards for the time they also put into moving this forward.  We are looking for energy savings actions for the town to consider, including individual solar power on town buildings, including the Town Hall.

  • Status of Implementation of Energy Audit Energy Saving Recommendations for four Bradford Municipal Facilities

The weatherization project at the Brown Memorial Library was completed in the first week of December. The town has submitted paperwork documenting the completion and requested NHSaves issue the Town a $5,000 rebate.

The weatherization projects for the other three locations: Fire Station, BACC, Highway Department have been quoted on by two contractors. A spreadsheet has been prepared comparing how each would go about the work and the costs involved. The BEC will work with representatives from each department to determine which energy saving measures are desired and compatible with operations.  Following these determinations the BEC may recommend that a Warrant Article be prepared to cover the costs of these improvements with the hope that NHSaves incentives will be restored. See next item:

  • Proposed Weatherization Campaign Update

NHSaves has been defunded through actions taken by the New Hampshire Public Utility Commission’s (NHPUC) decision to reject the State’s Triennial Energy Efficiency Plan.

The Selectboard has sent letters to Governor Sununu, the NH Department of Energy and the NHPUC urging the reinstatement of this vital program, outlining the loss of benefits to the town and the state. All work on the Weatherization Campaign is on hold pending a reversal.

  • Improving Public Presence of BEC

Laura has written an article on electric bikes for the Bridge. We are looking into participating in a loaner program in 2022 to introduce people to electric bikes.

  • BEC documentation management   We continue to build our BEC documents in a shared file.

Susan and Sandra attended a zoom meeting outlining the work of this non-profit organization based in Maine.  Susan will write an article for the January Bridge to explain

how low-cost window inserts can be made available to the community, with 25-30% provided at no cost to low-income households. Many local volunteers would be needed.

  • KRHS STEAM Renovation Project

BEC signed a letter along with representatives from several other local Energy Committees urging the School Board to incorporate renewal energy options in the renovation project. The Superintendent will be meeting with the Energy Committees in January for further discussion.

  •     Susan will write the BEC annual report for the Town Report. Due by January 14.
    •     Consider stating a town-wide commitment to energy goals to be included on the town   warrant.
  • Conclusion

The next meeting will be held on January 18 at the BACC.