Facilities Use Committee Minutes 07.31.24

The meeting came to order at 8:33 AM. Present were Bruce Gezelman (Chair), Karen Hambleton, Scott McCaskill, Andrew Pinard, and Chip Meany. Also present were Tracey Quigley and Janet Bauer.

The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted.

A working sub-group of the committee had met on July 23 to draft a sample application form and fee structure. The bulk of today’s meeting was a line-by-line review of the form, and of different points that arose in the course of the discussion. Tracey will update the forms and the committee will review via email/google docs. The goal is to have forms for the Select Board to review on August 12th.

The topics discussed included:

  • Insurance for use of the space; whether additional insurance is required; what insurance if any should be carried by renter; use of hold-harmless forms. Andrew suggests that we discuss this with town counsel as well.
  • Security of spaces; supervision of children; restricted activities.
  • Use of spaces, clean-up; use of hard-to-clean materials (e.g. glitter); how spaces should be left.
  • Fees; refundable cleaning deposit; how to charge (or not) for-profit, not-for-profit, public performance for profit; practice sessions. Further discussion needed.
  • Single-use vs. repeated use vs. long-term lease.
  • Pre-event walk-through; post-event inspection; rules of the house.
  • Use of sound and lighting equipment (when we finally get it); training required.

Andrew offered to provide samples of other forms used by various theater operators, as examples.

Andrew also presented a schedule of improvements (seating and equipment) with approximate prices for each item. He also suggested several possible ways of funding them.

The meeting adjourned just at 10:00 AM. Andrew and Tracey to work further on forms. Next meeting to be Thursday, 15 August, at 8:30 AM.

Minutes submitted by Scott McCaskill