Joint Meeting Re: BACC/Parks & Recreation Director; Organizational Meeting

OCTOBER 30, 2008

Andrew Pinard, Selectman advised this is technically not an official meeting of any organization, but a meeting of all organizations assembled with the following attendees present: Robert Stewart, Sr., Cheryl Behr, Administrator, John Bruss, Chair BACC, Margaret Raymond, Parks and Recs, Fred Hubley, Friends of BACC as Treasurer, Kate Dobrowski, Director of Community Center, Dawn Rich, Vice Chair, BACC Committee, Martha Barron, former Secretary BACC., Marge Cilley, Acting Secretary, and Jane Lucas.

Andrew Pinard advised they are going through a transition period, and will go over what the hopes are at this meeting.

At one time, the Selectmen determined that the director of the Community Center and Parks and Rec. was a full time position, and the town assumed all maintenance costs for the facility, until budgets etc. is transitioned. At one time, the BACC governance board was also responsible for financing the building.

For the past few years, they have been trying to transition the organization over to be fully funded from the town section and certain aspects associated with how the groups work together. At one time, there was one person serving two separate positions, then they became rolled up into one position.

The hope tonight is to be able to bring everyone together, in some kind of consensus as to how the organizations work and interface, not only with the director, but with the town.

An Agenda was followed beginning with:

1. Organizational Flowchart, showing responsibilities, authority of various agencies

in regards to the Director. Andrew Pinard advised this is not set in stone, the Selectmen have not approved any of this, it is a work in progress. Cheryl Behr, Administrator has done a lot of the work showing how it accesses on how the Selectmen’s office is involved as far as financing is concerned. At this time, the Organizational Chart was gone over at length beginning with the Governance Board User Organizations, followed by the Private, Friends of BACC, private funding, which is not part of town budget. Last is the Funding Source containing the Municipal Budget for the Community Center, Municipal Budget for Parks and P&R Revolving account which is established by Town meeting. Questions and answers ensued regarding the organizational chart. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised funding can be transferred from line item to line item, however, the Board of Selectmen should be notified if there is a substantial change. The bottom line is: you cannot go over the bottom line.

Parks and Rec Revolving Account was included in the packet handed out. Cheryl Behr, Administrator went over and explained the accounting procedure. Money that is collected from this years programs, do not want to get spent in this budget year, but is for next year’s budget. Programs not sustaining themselves should be considered if beneficial to continue or not.

Fred Hubley asked a question for clarification: For the Beef Roast, a program, it’s been funded, it is an annual event. If Parks and Rec purchased a Grill Master, would that one time cost come under Parks and Rec’s budget item for the town or the Revolving Fund? Andrew Pinard, Selectman advised in his opinion it should be considered as a line item for capital expenditures.

It was stated that all authorization for new events should be part of the municipal budget process which happens now, meaning it shouldn’t happen in May to do something for August.

2. A Program Management Sheet was gone over next which shows five different categories, and which ones have either private insurance or is covered by town insurance. Other topics covered are advertising and monies collected and dispensation of same. Andrew Pinard advised insurance with some of the combined events are a little more difficult to decipher. Bob Stewart, Sr. explained how the insurance worked. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised that if someone is told what, how and when to do something, they are considered an employee, and have to be on the payroll, they are not considered a subcontractor. Much discussion ensued especially in the area of insurance, whether covered by the town, or is the individual user of space responsible for it.

3. A Program Budget sheet was included in the handout showing a Title of Program, Expenses and Income, which is not only a worksheet for the Director, but for individual organizations who want to put together a program. These can be consolidated for the final municipal budget.

4. Another area brought up is the Town Budget showing a breakdown with line item numbers which are already outlined in the existing budget. Milfoil has been pulled out of Parks and Rec categorie and put into Other General Government as explained by Cheryl Behr when asked. For clarification, if expenses are taken out of a revolving fund, then the donation would go back into the revolving fund for Parks and Recreation. However, if Friends is sponsoring an event, the money must go back to Friends.

Andrew Pinard brought up the fact that one can not volunteer for a function that you are paid for. The Town of Bradford did not sponsor the Farmer’s Market this year. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised she had spoken with someone in the Newbury Town office, and they charge $50.00 up front which pays for their advertising and any other expenses involved and staffing. Also the town paid for the insurance since they sponsored it. The Farmer’s Market in Bradford was sponsored by the Friends. The Director should not be working for any private organization, however, volunteers could set up the venders etc. for individual events.

5. Job Description which was handed out was read by Andrew Pinard and discussed amongst the group. Three levels of records include: Financial, Budgeting and recording, Census and Event Reporting. Robert Stewart, Sr. reported on the repair of the urinal which has been leaking for some time and advised the necessary parts are very hard to find. He advised he has tried to get a new one installed, but there is no money for it, so is advocating putting money in the budget for a new urinal next year. Andrew Pinard advised he is encouraging the Selectmen to get single venders for town wide services such as cleaning, ground etc. which would quite likely save the town money, and get better service. Kate Dobrowski questioned if she has the authority to obtain help in an emergency situation to which she was told yes. Staffing problems were brought up as well as funding during the Summer Camp. In reply to a question from Fred Hubley, it was stated by Andrew Pinard that a pick up group playing ball at Brown Shattuck Field would not have to have an insurance policy rider. There is an ordinance for a public gathering and earning money. A permit might be possible to be obtained from the Selectmen without charging them for a benefit performance per Andrew Pinard, however, an insurance rider may be required.

The position requires that certain events are a must for the Director to attend, but if unable to attend functionally, they are responsible for each of the events for providing the appropriate staffing to make sure certain things are accomplished per Andrew Pinard. It was also brought up that this document is a guideline, and will change from time to time.

Dawn Rich advised the Community Center Director does have considerable Public Relations. Cheryl Behr, Administrator suggested if the Director is at her max now, or is overwhelmed now, additional programs or functions cannot be added until they are under control, as they could only add to frustration and possibly failure to a program.

The Financial practices sheet that was handed out was not gone over at this time, but they can be gone over on an individual basis. Andrew Pinard did advise that concerning time budgeting with various organizations that everyone should be aware that the Director has very limited time that the town budgets for her. Be persistent for information that you do need, but be aware that she does have a lot on her plate.

6. Delegation of duties for programs and management of municipal employee resources.

This is part of the time budgeting for the Director. Andrew pointed out that everyone should be aware that you are individual organizations, and the Director is the one who prioritizes what can be done as quickly as possible. The Selectmen are going to expect her to exercise judgment as to what she can reasonably move forward with based on her work load. The Director can authorize delegates to run sanctioned municipal events.

8. The town administrator has requested the town close the post office box and put a locking mailbox up at the Town Office, so someone does not need to go back and forth to the post office. Andrew Pinard is suggesting the Community Center does the same, saving time and resources of the town.

7. Ice skating rink: An estimated Expense sheet was handed out.

A proposal for an ice skating rink was presented by Kate Dobrowski, Director. It is a 50’ x 100’ portable rink and Cheryl Behr, Administrator questioned if it would be used for hockey, and if so, it would need sideboards 42 to 48 inches high. Kate Dobrowski advised if needed, a snow fence could be used. Cheryl Behr said she would check on this. Questions and suggestions ensued, including filling of rink, storage, hot water etc. as well as the possibility of needing police patrol.

It was questioned by Fred Hubley if perhaps it could be brought up at town meeting to get a feeling for interest, looking for a vote of confidence. . It was brought up that it would have to be a warrant article, and should try for this year.

The next meeting of the BACC is scheduled for November 12, 2008

Robert Stewart, Sr .recommended that if a warrant article is going to be put in, it should state that the BACC is paying for the skating rink. This way, the town will know they are not paying for the whole thing.

Andrew Pinard thanked everyone for coming out and they will try to incorporate whatever minor adjustments there may be.

Meeting over at 9:00pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley

Acting Secretary