Joint Select Board Minutes 05.06.10

MAY 6, 2010

Roll Call:

Attending this meeting were R. Peter Bianchi, New London, Clyde Carson, Warner, Douglas B. Long, Chair, Wilmot, Nick Brodich, Wilmot, Mary Kay Huntoon, Wilmot, Jack Meaney, Bradford, Peter Fenton, Chair, Bradford, Bob Wright, Sutton, Harry Wright, Bradford, Walter Baker, Jr., Sutton, Cheryl Behr, Bradford Administrator, and Marge Cilley, Bradford Secretary. There were also four members of the public in attendance.

Peter Fenton, Chair Bradford Select Board welcomed and thanked everyone for coming. Peter also furnished a variety of food from Appleseed Restaurant for all to enjoy.

Topics of Discussion:

Kearsarge Regional School District.

At the April 6, 2010 Select Board minutes in Bradford, the following comment was made.

“It was brought up that the Kearsarge Regional School District budget was voted in at the reduced rate. This amount was the pay increase for some of the employees which was voted down. However, the District is going ahead with the pay raise anyway. Question was, if they can find the money elsewhere, why wasn’t the budget cut by that amount?”

This was discussed at length. A sheet was handed out to the people in attendance explaining the recommended MBC reductions and how the School board made up the shortfall. This information was provided by the Business Administrator of the Kearsarge Regional School District/SAU#65.

The Select Board member present from Warner handed out a comparative sheet for all seven Towns in the Kearsarge Regional School District listing all their annual expenses broken down into the different categories. The population estimate was from the NH OEP in 2008, and the figures were obtained from each of the Town’s Administrators. This was an interesting comparison and was discussed at length.

Capital Reserve Funds were discussed and one thought was these funds should be designated or designed for specifics.

All the towns attending tonight’s meeting advised they do have CIP’s in place.

Another thought was that perhaps the School Board should be made aware there is a concern that most of the people are working in the private sector, who are supporting the public sector.

A topic of interest was the former Middle School located in New London. It was stated that part of the reason for closing the old Middle School was it was no longer safe for students. Now the District is supporting the new Middle School and there is discussion of sprinkling the former Middle School, moving the SAU Office there, opening a culinary class there and a Charter School, among other things.

It was thought that if the School Board could give an indication of future wishes and concerns it would be very helpful to each town in updating their CIP’s.

When the SRSD was formed, all the towns were offered to purchase their unused school building for $1.00. That was except for New London, who couldn’t as that was an area school, consequently that did not apply.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton, Chair Bradford Select Board, for each Town’s Select Board to make an appointment with the School Board to discuss future projections, say for 18 months. Motion was seconded and carried unanimously.

Discussion ensued regarding the taping of minutes and the frequency the individual towns Select Boards met. Also, Town Clerk hours of being open were discussed and they ranged from 2 ½ days to 5 days a week and some included being open on Saturdays.

The next meeting will be hosted by Wilmot in September and Peter Fenton has suggested meeting on the boat. Wilmot will e-mail individual towns with the exact date.

Peter Fenton, Chair, Bradford Select Board thanked all for their participation.

Meeting Adjourned 7:45pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley