Library Trustee Minutes 07.11.12

DRAFT Minutes from July 11, 2012

The Board Meeting for the Trustees of Brown Memorial Library was called to order at 6:05 p.m.

Attendance: Mary Chris Duncan, Garry Kalajian, Patty Furness, Lorraine Macleod, Bea Howe, Connie Scheffy, Rod Jones, Meg Fearnley, Nola Jordan
1.    The secretary’s report was accepted as presented.

2.    A motion was made and passed to accept donations to Brown Memorial Library in June in the amount of $165.00.  Bea reported that our financial situation is very much on target for the halfway point in the year.  We have not yet received information from the fuel company as to pre-buy prices for the coming season.  (Last year we did not pre-buy and ended up paying about $500.00 more than the budgeted amount.)  In case a decision needs to be made before the next meeting, the Trustees authorized Bea to do whatever seems most prudent to her.   The Treasurer’s Report was accepted as presented.

3.    Bea also reported that the July book and plant sale netted $1,237.00, which is almost a record.  A huge thank you is due Janet Sillars for all she does to make the plant sale so successful – donating plants, organizing and running the sale.   Thanks, too, to Brian Carter, Lois Kilnap, and others for their plant donations.  The Trustees also expressed their appreciation to Bea, Rod, and Tracey Quigley for the many hours they spend sorting and organizing the books.

4.    Meg noted that circulation figures for last month are pretty much on target.  Next month’s figures should show an uptick in children’s attendance thanks to the success of the summer reading program and the story hours.

5.    Under Old Business, the Trustees agreed that we do not foresee any major expenditures (over $10,000) in the next few years and therefore have no request to submit for the Capital Improvement Program.  The town makes this inquiry each year to help with future planning.

6.    Our float (Brown Memorial Library Night Owls) won the blue ribbon for best theme in the Independence Day parade.  Everyone had a great time . . . and decided that riding is definitely better than walking!  Many thanks to Patty and Tom Turner for getting and decorating the flat bed.

7.    Garry reported that he has succeeded in getting some information from the Department of Corrections about having a sign (giving our hours) made for us.  This sign will be attached to the building near the door.   He will continue to pursue the matter.

8.    Under New Business, it was announced that the Masons have once again generously volunteered to provide a fund-raising dinner for the library on Saturday, August 11, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.  They will provide the food and donate the profits to the library.  Adults will be $8.00, children $5.00 and those under 5 will be free. People will be invited to bring desserts, and a sign-up sheet will be available at the checkout desk.  Help bussing tables will also be appreciated.

9.    The summer reading program is off to a very good start.  The “finale” will be held on August 8 and, depending on which children want to participate, may be an adaptation of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

10.    The Trustees continued their review of the library policies.  Garry offered to rework the Personnel Section to create a separate job description item.  He will forward his draft to Nola for inclusion in the revised document which will be distributed to the Trustees as soon as possible.  Everyone is requested to read the policies again carefully so that we can make any final changes and hopefully take a vote on their acceptance at the August meeting.

11.    Discussion of our internet policies may require a considerable amount of time and will be taken up at the next meeting.

12.    The Trustees authorized Bea to spend up to $1,000.00 to replace Meg’s elderly computer.
The next meeting will be Wednesday, August 1, at 6:00 p.m.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Nola Jordan