Library Trustees 02.06.13

Minutes from February 6, 2013

The Board Meeting for the Trustees of Brown Memorial Library was called to order at 6:00 p.m.

Attendance: Mary-Chris Duncan, Nola Jordan, Patty Furness, Garry Kalajian, Erica Gross, Lorraine Macleod, Bea Howe, Meg Fearnley

1. In the absence of Rod and Connie, both alternates were seated as voting members.

2. The secretary’s report was accepted as presented.

3. A motion was made and passed to accept donations to Brown Memorial Library in January in the amount of $342.99.  $105.00 was from our on-going book sale.  Even a few dealers have been coming.  Bea noted that while the line item for Maintenance is high for the month, more than $300 of that amount will be recouped when FVB Landscaping sends us a check.  Fritz Von Beren donates the bed work he does for us, but prefers to run it through his books that way.  The Treasurer’s Report was accepted as presented.

4. January circulation statistics are down in several categories, but it was a cold month perhaps keeping more people at home.  We used to have lots of library usage from families who were home-schooling their children, but at the moment Meg is not aware of any families who are doing that.  She also mentioned that more and more patrons are coming to use the computers, copier, fax, and even the phone.  These are very important services we can provide to residents who cannot afford computers or internet connections at home.

5. Under New Business, Patty demonstrated the telescope provided to us by the New Hampshire Astronomical Society at a subsidized price.  She has tried it out herself and is very pleased with how light and user-friendly it is.  The Society also gave us a simplified user’s manual, a small guide to the constellations and some software for looking up star charts.  They will also do a free Sky Watcher’s Program when we are ready.  The Trustees agreed that this is a wonderful addition to the library’s services, but we will need to have some kind of form for patrons to sign when they take it out.  Patty has examples of forms other libraries are using and she will prepare a draft for the next meeting.

6. At Bea’s request, FVB Landscaping has presented a contract to do our mowing and spring and fall cleanups.  He is asking $1,350.00 and guarantees that he will not go over that amount.  This is somewhat less than we have spent in the past.  It also means that he can do whatever he wants to keep the property looking good and we don’t have to be concerned about the cost of any particular task.  The Trustees agreed that this is a good way to go.

7. Bea explained that due to the projected 33 per cent increase in PSNH rates in the immediate future, she has been in contact with Nextera Energy to get a quote.  They have not gotten back to her yet, but this is the fuel provider the town has decided to go with and there may be some advantage to using them as well.  Fuel delivery and billing will still come from PSNH.  The Trustees agreed that it would be a good idea to look into other providers as well.  Bea will do that and report back at the next meeting.

8. Meg made sure all Trustees were aware of HB436.  This bill, which is now in committee, would require all towns to ask voters if they want to put oversight of library finances in the hands of the selectmen.  This would be a major change from how it has been done historically and has the potential to cause serious problems.  Hopefully, there will be enough opposition to the bill to prevent it from leaving committee.

9. Garry and Nola have signed up to stand for election again this year.  Erica mentioned that someone had contacted her about being a library trustee and she told him that while it was too late to get on the ballot this year, he might want to consider becoming an alternate.  He will be invited to the next meeting to see what we do.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 6, at 6:00 p.m.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:02 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Nola Jordan, Secretary