Planning Board

Chair: Katie Olohan
Vice-Chair: Carol Troy
Members: Carol Meise, Laurie Colburn, Rich Olohan, Shanna Griffin
Selectmen’s Representative: Chip Meany
Alternates: Steven Chase, Kris Foss

Planning Board Assistant:     Matt Monahan, Central NH Regional Planning    (603) 988-0871


Proposed Flood Ordinance Changes 2024

Surface Water Overlay District – Final

Surface Water Overlay District – Final Map

Master Fee Schedule

Rules of Procedure 5.24.2023 – Draft

Planning Board Approval Map – draft

Planning Regulations, the current Zoning Ordinance and all applications are available online here.

Capital Improvement Program (CIP) 2025-2034

Capital Improvement Program (CIP) 2024-2034

Capital Improvement Program (CIP) 2023 – 2033

Bradford Municipal Improvement Schedule 2019-2029

Bradford CIP 2016-2021 & Bradford Municipal Improvement Schedule 2016-2021

Capital Improvements Program 2015-2020

2020 Master Plan

2006 Master Plan

The Planning Board meets on the fourth Tuesday at 7:00 PM at the Bradford Town Hall. The Board addresses applications, public hearings, and consultations as well as updating regulations, planning documents and files.

The Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission has continued to provide Circuit Rider planning services (for an appointment call 938-2253). The Circuit Rider also periodically attends Planning Board meetings to act as a consultant to the Board. The Circuit Rider service has continued to provide a valuable resource to the Board by providing resources to public questions at town hall, researching policy when the Board handles new situations and providing review of all major subdivisions.

All subdivision applications and site plans are sent out for professional review at the expense of the applicant. Any subdivision that includes an internal road or cistern is reviewed by a professional engineer. The Board coordinates with all Town departments throughout the applications process, seeking feedback from the Fire Department, Police Department, Road Agent, Conservation Commission, Selectmen, and Building Inspector.


A Site Plan is a graphic representation of the site on which the proposed building or business is to be located. Site Plan Review is a process required for all commercial, industrial, multifamily (more than two dwelling units), and business developments in the Town of Bradford including an expansion of those uses or a change in use. In recognition of the varying complexity in the different types of Site Plans, the Planning Board has 3 levels of Site Plan Review. No Building Permit will be issued prior to written approval of the Site Plan by the Planning Board.


Full Site Plan:

If there is no Site Plan on file for the proposed project, any development, change or expansion (as defined above) will require a Full Site Plan Review for all businesses on site.

Land application of sewage sludge will require a Full Site Plan according to the application procedures and conditions set forth in Appendix A of the Town of Bradford Site Plan Review Regulations (available at the Town Hall).

Modified Site Plan:

If a Full Site Plan is on file for the location, a Modified Site Plan may be used for an additional business or expansion of use on the same site. Only those elements of the original Site Plan, which may have changed as determined by the Planning Board, must be presented.

The requirement of obtaining a special exception may still exist.

Site Plan Revision:

If an approved Site Plan exists and none of the requirements of a Full or Modified Site Plan are applicable, a Site Plan Revision may be allowed using an approved form. A hearing will not be required, but the form must be submitted to the Planning Board for approval and filing.


Meet with the Planning Board to discuss your plan. Fill out the application. Applications may be hand delivered or mailed to the Planning Board Secretary, Select Board Office, PO Box 436, Bradford, N.H. 03221.


A completed application will be submitted to and accepted for consideration by the Planning Board. The Planning Board determines if application is complete. Abutters are notified by Certified Mail and a Public Hearing is scheduled before vote to accept as complete.


Any project for the use of land which will eventually result in one lot being sold out of another, or in a lot being divided into two or more lots, is a Subdivision. These projects must have approval by the Planning Board before any sale of any part of the property is considered.


These regulations are designed to protect the Town of Bradford, the subdivider, and the purchaser. They are primarily concerned with how land is divided, with road construction, surveying and planning.

  1. Consider a preliminary visit to a regular meeting of the Planning Board to discuss your proposal in general terms. Telephone the Administrative Assistant, Selectmen’s Office, to arrange a time on the agenda.
  2. Note that public acceptance of proposed streets, or change in classification of existing streets, including upgrading of Class Vl highways to Class V, requires a vote of the town at a Town Meeting, which ordinarily cannot be anticipated unless the highway system affected by or servicing the subdivision has been upgraded to meet or exceed the standards of a Class V highway. The Planning Board has no authority to accept streets or other proposed dedications.
  3. At least fifteen (15) days notice must be given to the Planning Board through the Selectmen’s Administrative Assistant, before the meeting in which you wish to submit your application, with supporting documents. State law requires this in order that notices can be mailed to abutters ten days before that date.
  4. Approval will be needed from the New Hampshire Water Supply and Pollution Control Commission if the lot is under 5 acres. Lots over 5 acres may require this approval if requested by the Planning Board.


A completed application will be submitted to and accepted for consideration by the Planning Board. The Planning Board determines if application is complete. Abutters are notified by Certified Mail and a Public Hearing is scheduled.


Lake shore and other river frontage must meet the Shore Land Protection Act. Activity within the flood plain requires compliance with the Flood Plain Ordinance. Copies of FEMA flood maps are available at the Select Board Office.