NHSaves Button Up Workshop 11.09.22

Bradford NH:  Button Up New Hampshire, the popular home energy savings workshop series, is coming to Bradford. The Bradford Energy Committee and Brown Memorial Library are hosting this free workshop for residents and it will take place on Wednesday November 9th at 6:30pm at the BACC Senior Room (2nd floor), 134 East Main Street Bradford, NH. The workshop is sponsored by NHSaves and coordinated statewide by the Plymouth Area Renewable Energy Initiative (PAREI).

NHSaves is a collaboration of New Hampshire’s electric and natural gas utilities (Eversource, Liberty Utilities, NH Electric Cooperative and Unitil). The utilities are working together to provide NH customers with information, incentives, and support designed to save energy, reduce costs, and protect the NH environment. PAREI of Plymouth, NH is working with local groups around the state to bring these workshops to the public on behalf of New Hampshire’s utilities.

The NHSaves Button Up Workshop is a 1.5 hour presentation about how to improve the energy efficiency of your home. It is conducted by a certified energy auditor and covers basic building science principles as well as examples of whole house weatherization measures that will button up your home for the heating and cooling seasons. It also covers details about the energy efficiency programs offered by NH utilities (for existing homes and new construction) that provide energy audits, weatherization measures such as air sealing and insulating and rebates on new technologies and products such as electric and gas appliances and high efficiency electric heating/cooling equipment.

NH residents wishing to use energy more efficiently, conserve energy and save money on their heating and cooling bills, will find the workshop presentation very helpful. The local workshop organizer, The Bradford Energy Committee said “We are bringing this workshop to Bradford because it offers valuable and practical information about how to save energy and reduce costs while making our homes more comfortable. The information about available funding can also help make these improvements possible for more people. With the high cost of energy, efficiency is now more important than ever. We hope many people will take the time to attend this informative workshop which will help Bradford reduce its energy consumption and move closer to achieving its town-wide energy goal approved by residents in March 2022 of 100% renewable electricity by 2030.”

The workshop is free and no registration is necessary. For more information on the Bradford or other NHSaves Button Up Workshops visit https://nhsaves.com/learn/?resource_type=events or e-mail bmlbradford@gmail.com. Workshop organizers also recommend the public sign up with NHSaves Facebook and Twitter pages for up to date information on energy saving tips and programs.

For more information: Call Robbin Adams at (603-536-5030), Plymouth Area Renewable Energy Initiative, Plymouth, NH robbin@plymouthenergy.org