Planning Board Minutes 04.23.19

Meeting called to order by Pam Bruss at 7:00PM

•Roll Call Pam Bruss, Carol Troy, Laurie Colburn, Carol Meise Tom Dunne, Claire James, Michael James, Selectmen’s Rep, Marlene Freyler, Doug Troy, Steve Chase – Absent

• To Do:

1. Review & Consideration of April 9th, 2019 minutes.

Motion: Carol Meise motioned to approve the minutes.

Second: Carol Troy

Decision: 4-0 in favor

• Appearances:

1. Mike Bauer presented a Modified Site Plan Application for Unless, LLC, Map 16/Lot 105. The application proposed adding four new business spaces on the second floor of the building and expanding parking spaces from eleven to twenty-three spots. The application was lacking an updated Site Plan drawing, stamped and signed by an engineer, but the Board deemed that the review process could be completed with the information provided and an updated Site Plan could be a condition of approval if needed.

Motion: Carol Troy motioned to accept the application.

Second: Carol Meise

Decision: 4-0 in favor

2. Pam opened a Public Hearing for a Modified Site Plan for Unless, LLC, Map 16/Lot 105 at 7:20pm:

Mike Bauer reviewed the plan which includes extending the gravel parking lot to the edge of the cemetery right of way and reconfiguring how the existing parking spaces are laid out, resulting in an increase of twelve spaces. Overflow parking at the neighboring Bauer Construction building and old Texaco station across the street remain as overflow options as well. This parking expansion allows the property to exceed the two spaces per business requirement. No expansion of the existing building footprint was identified. Carol Meise did ask how customers will adapt to the new parking configuration and Mike stated concrete guides would be placed identifying parking spots.

At 7:21pm the Public Hearing was opened for public comment, no comments were received.

The Hearing was closed at 7:22pm for deliberation.

Mike did outline a potential change in the building footprint in the future which would eliminate the existing exterior stairs replacing them with an elevator. The Board outlined a potential future planning requirement of a Storm Water Runoff Plan and/or Special Exception, due to shoreline proximity, if the building’s footprint is expanded.

The Public Hearing was closed at 7:28pm.

Motion: Laurie Colburn motioned to approve the Modified Site Plan with a condition that the Planning Board receive an update Site Plan, signed and stamped by an engineer, with the new parking layout.

Second: Carol Troy

Decision: 4-0 in favor

Laurie will issue the Notice of Decision.

• Pending Business:

1. Mike Tardiff will attend the next meeting, May 14th, to review the Master Plan.

2. Chestnut Hollow Road update: Pam will be reviewing the Site Plan and documentation with the Central New Hampshire Regional Planning organization.

• New Business:

1. The Board discussed an applicant for the Planning Board Recording Secretary position. Laurie will coordinate an interview.

2. A State Driveway Permit was received for Map 17/Lot 35 outlining a small transport company occupying the property. Pam will follow up with the property owner to determine whether this business requires a Site Plan.

3. The Rosewood Inn, Map 1/Lot 19, is replacing their on-premise sign. The Board discussed whether there was any approval needed. The sign location is being changed and the size of the sign is being expanded so a Sign Permit and updated Site Plan are needed. Laurie will contact the owner.

4. First quarter expenses were reviewed. No concerns were identified.

5. Invoicing for attendance to a Planning and Zoning conference was approved.

6. The Board determined a legacy tri-fold brochure for the Planning Board will be discontinued.

7. Pam added an agenda item to the May 14th meeting to include the appearance of Jessica Michie who is exploring the purchase of the old Kearsarge Fitness building, Map 3/Lot 52-2A.

8. Laurie shared a conversation had with Bruce Edwards regarding the Warner River Advisory Board. Bruce will be scheduling an informational meeting with all Town Boards and Committees who are involved in land use matters to provide an update on what the Advisory Board is working on.

Planning Board Communications:

1. The next Planning Board meeting will be May 14th, 2019.

Motion: Carol Troy motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:55pm.

Second: Carol Meise

Decision: 4-0 in favor Meeting adjourned

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn