Planning Board 06.09.09

JUNE 9, 2009

Call To Order and Roll Call:

Phil LaMoreaux called the meeting to order at 7:00pm with Jack Meaney, Selectmen Representative, Barry Wheeler, Barbara Vannata, Marcia Keller, Bill Glennie, Jane Johnsen, Alternate and Jim Bibbo, Alternate. Matt Monahan, CNHRPC and Marge Cilley, Secretary present. Sonny Harris was absent.

Review and Acceptance of May 12, 2009 Minutes:

Motion was made by Jack Meaney to accept the minutes as presented. Seconded by Barbara Vannata. Marcia Keller advised all the revised regulations have been given to the Town Clerk and signed in, and in the town hall. Motion carried 6-0. Bill Glennie abstained.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair seated Jane Johnsen for Sonny Harris.

To Do Folder:

Letters to the ZBA regarding: Jim Bibbo’s application. Also a letter regarding Arkadi Nikiforow Kennel operation.

A letter to Martyn Chivers – O E Trucking.

A letter to Breezy Hill Storage regarding Site Plan Review Requirement.

Variance to ZBA from O E Trucking was in Planning Board Box and was given to Millie Kittredge.

Notice was read of a Public Discussion regarding Ground Water to be held at the Webster Town Hall on June 22, 2009.

Bill Glennie asked if anyone will be going to the Energy Meeting on June 20th. There was no one available to go.

Skip McKean, Route 114, Modified Site Plan, Map 6, Lot 104:

Skip and Carolyn McKean came before the Planning Board with a Modified Site Plan Application. Letters from 5 abutters were read with no objections to the addition of the second 30,000gal. above ground propane tank being proposed. Mr. McKean advised there will be an increase in standards which is a push button shut off. Phil LaMoreaux, Chair read a letter written from Mark Goldberg.

Condition of Approval needs to show the date and revision on one sheet.

Motion was made by Barry Wheeler and seconded by Jack Meaney to accept the Modified Site Plan. Marcia Keller advised it should be clear what is being asked for.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair opened the floor for Public Hearing. There being none, the Public Hearing was closed.

Motion carried 7-0.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney to approve the Modified Site Plan with the following Conditions of Approval. Marcia Keller amended the motion to include furnishing a revision of the Modified Site Plan with supporting sheet.

1. SPCC (Spill Prevention Control and Counter Measures) plan to be brought forward.

2. Modified plan to show current proposed first tank whited out, with the second tank being proposed showing.

Amendment was seconded by Bill Glennie.

Motion to approve the Modified Site Plan with the two Conditions of Approval carried 7-0.

There being no Engineering Review requirement, the Escrow Check was returned to Mr. McKean.

Lumber Barn, Route 114 – Updating Sign:

Clark Roberg, Sign Painter, Steve Pitman, Manager and Doug Webb, Co-Owner were present for the Conceptual Consultation regarding Site Plan Revision. Plans were provided to the board in color. There is an existing, non conforming sign which they are re-designing. Steve Pitman advised they are trying to be an asset to the community. The object is to brighten up the sign and enhance the Lumber Barn Logo, after 20 years per Steve Pitman. The sign will be lighted from both directions. It was pointed out that the proposed sign would have less lighting than the existing sign. Mark Goldberg spoke in favor of the updating of the sign and lighting of same. The sign is on a timer for illumination. Steve Pitman stated they would really like to start with the painting of the sign, which the members of the board saw no problem with doing at this time. It was suggested that a Site Plan Revision be scheduled for the next Planning Board Meeting on July 14, 2009. There is no Public Hearing required.

Public Hearing:

Juanita Battles, Edward Erickson, Dave Eckman, Eckman Engineering – Lot Line Adjustment. Map 6, Lot 96 & 96-1 Center Road & Jewitt Road.

Applications were handed out to the Board members with plans, showing the addition of the smaller triangular .58 acre lot from the larger 51 acre lot to the 5.0 acre lot. Phil LaMoreaux, Chair read Department Head comments.

Motion was made by Marcia Keller to accept the application as complete. Seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 7-0.

Matt Monahan, CNHRPC requested the secretary forward a tax map for Map 6, Lot 47 to the owner.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair opened the floor to Public Comments. In reply to a question by Millie Kittredge, this Lot Line Adjustment is a convenience to Doug Jackson.

Public Hearing was closed.

Motion made by Bill Glennie to approve the Lot Line Adjustment on Map 6, Lot 96&

96-1 with the following Conditions of Approval. Seconded by Jack Meaney.

1. Deed description of both parcels.

2. Signature of Doug Jackson

3. Signatures of other applicants.

Recording fees need to be received.

Motion carried 7-0.

Cresswell Gravel Pit – Harriet J. Hobbs, Pleasant Valley Road, Map 7, Lot 29:

Harriet Hobbs came before the Planning Board and apologized for not responding to letters earlier. Phil LaMoreaux, Chair advised the Road Agent has reported that there has been some activity there to which Ms. Hobbs advised there has been no commercial use. She also advised she does realize there has been some erosion; however Pickman’s took care of this. Discussion followed regarding abandonment versus submitting an Application for an active pit.

Matt Monahan, CNHRPC read information regarding abandonment from the Excavation book.

Harriet Hobbs advised a legal point is that the notice to the public was defective, as it named her as the owner, which she is not, Corsair Realty is the owner.

This will be continued in July 14, 2009 for a Conceptual Consultation when Ms Hobbs will appear with an engineer. Notice needs to be forwarded to the abutters showing Corsair Realty as the owner for a hearing after an application for an active gravel pit has been received.

Ledgewood Pines, Mark Brunnel and Scott Bussiere, Old Warner Road, Map 3, Lot 94 & 96:

Mark Brunnel presented the board with a notice requesting a 3 month extension dated 6-09-09 to Sept. 8, 2009 to work through the final details of Ledgewood Pines. Discussion ensued regarding the Road Bond. RSA 674:21 pertaining to the staging of road work was read my Marcia Keller who advised the town has not adopted as yet. Jack Meaney read RSA 674:36 III (b). It was stated that the Boundary Line has not been finalized.

Motion was made by Bill Glennie and Seconded by Marcia Keller to extend the 3 month extension for the purpose of working through the final details of Ledgewood Pines. Phil LaMoreaux, Chair advised if the Conditions of Approval get changed, than all abutters shall be re-notified that the public hearing will be re-opened. Motion carried 7-0. Mark Brunnel advised he will call if they wish to be on the agenda prior to the September meeting. An Escrow Account will need to be set up for Inspections for the road construction.

Other Planning Board Business:

1. Gateway Rentals, LLC, Breezy Hill Storage – Rick Deschesne, Application for Site

Plan Revision

Needs to be on the Agenda for July 14, 2009.

2. O E Trucking applied to ZBA for a variance.

3. NFI – Conditions of Approval for NFI-Site Plan notice on Dec. 13, 2007.

Consensus is it is still being worked on.

4. Pickman Dredge and Fill between DES and Building Inspector.

5. Peter Isham Extension Update – Reclamation Plan of Gravel pit needs updating. Matt Monahan, CNHRPC gave a synopsis of his review of the existing Gravel Pit. He will e-mail the copy of the review to the board members. It was stated that a deadline needs to be set. Matt Monahan advised a letter did go to Bob Stewart, Jr. regarding the gravel pit.

Marcia Keller requested some help from planning board members to work on the files.

Meeting adjourned 9:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley