Planning Board Agenda 03.26.19

TOWN OF BRADFORD, NH PLANNING BOARD AGENDA March 26, 2019 Members: Pam Bruss, Chair; Claire James, Vice Chair; Michael James, Selectmen Rep; Carol Meise Tom Dunne, Carol Troy, Laurie Colburn Alternates: Steve Chase, Doug Troy, Garrett Bauer Call to Order and Roll Call To Do: 1. Elect Chair/Vice Chair roles 2. Alternates 3. Review & Consideration of March 12th, 2019 minutes Appearances: 1. Brooks McCandlish – Zoning Board process review Pending: 1. How the Planning Board interacts with the Driveway Permit process 2. Follow up on Chestnut Hollow Road – Petition at Town Meeting to have the Town adopt the road 3. Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Participation: a. Jim Bibbo’s role b. Harry Wright visit 4. Master Plan Update: a. Mike Tardif to attend April 23rd meeting b. Any other to do’s? Planning Board Communications: 1. Next Meeting will be April 9th, 2019 Other Business Adjournment