Revised Planning Board Agenda 08.13.19

Members: Pam Bruss, Chair; Claire James, Vice Chair; Michael James, Selectmen Rep; Carol Meise Tom Dunne, Carol Troy, Laurie Colburn Alternates: Steve Chase, Doug Troy, Marlene Freyler

Call to Order and Roll Call

To Do:

• Review & Consideration of July 23rd, 2019 minutes


• Stan Ovrevik, Rosewood Country Inn – preliminary site plan change discussion

• Sue Murphy, Rowe Mountain Road – Lot line adjustment discussion

Public Hearing:

• Public Hearing pertaining to the addition of a conservation easement question to relevant Planning Board applications.


• Follow up on Chestnut Hollow Road – Claire & Pam

• Master Plan – Review of Natural Resources & Transportation Chapters

• Follow up on Map2/Lot 102 – 69 Center Road, USDA grant recipient

• Kennel licensing update from State

• Agricultural Zoning Review

• Review ADU Ordinances – Town and State Regulations

Planning Board Communications:

• The next Planning Board meeting will be August 27th, 2019 at 7:00pm
