Updated Planning Board Agenda 10.08.19



October 8th, 2019

Members: Pam Bruss, Chair; Claire James, Vice Chair; Michael James, Selectmen’s Rep; Carol Meise Tom Dunne, Carol Troy, Laurie Colburn

Alternates: Steve Chase, Doug Troy, Marlene Freyler

Call to Order and Roll Call 

To Do: 

  • Review & Consideration of September 24th, 2019 minutes 
  • Review draft letter to Select Board concerning Kennel Ordinance compliance
  • Review draft letter to Select Board concerning Sign Ordinance compliance


  • Holly Riley – Change of Use discussion for Map 17/Lot 58 converting office space to retail space
  • Jessica Michie – Updated Site Plan for Map 3/Lot 52-2A
  • Amanda Leo – Change of Use for Map 17/Lot 2
  • Matt Monahan – Housing Chapter of the Master Plan


  • Follow up on Chestnut Hollow Road
  • Confirmation of Site walk planned October 13th, 2019 at 8:30am, Map2/Lot 102 – 69 West Road
  • Agricultural Zoning Review update
  • Review ADU Ordinances – Town and State Regulations
  • Follow up with Stan Ovrevik regarding Zoning Regulations that may apply to train car proposal
  • Master Plan – Identify 8 priorities for Implementation chapter
  • 2020 General Budget preparation/2019 Expense Review

Planning Board Communications: 

  • The next Planning Board meeting will be October 22nd, 2019 at 7:00pm 
    • Agenda Items:
      • Mike Tardiff, Central New Hampshire Regional Planning and the Conservation Commission – Land Use review of lot size amendment proposal
