Planning Board Minutes

JANUARY 12, 2010

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00pm with Barry Wheeler, Sonny Harris, Jim Bibbo, Alternate, Jack Meaney, Selectmen’s Representative. Bill Glennie. Barbara Vannata, Marcia Keller were absent.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair seated Jim Bibbo for Barbara Vannata.

Review and Consideration of December 8, 2009 Minutes:

Motion was made by Jim Bibbo to approve as presented. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 5-0.

Bill and James Thompson – IAMNET, INC. Re: Solar Towers:

Bill Thompson advised they are talking about high speed internet access in areas of the town that are now un-served. They do get many requests coming into their office asking for help in this area, because in many areas only dial-up is available. Last summer they ran technical trials looking at the hill on Lake Massasecum. They are checking to see what can be done without towers at all. What they are trying there is a solar powered radio, sitting on a tripod that is on a pole about 8 feet high. This is portable and virtually invisible, and there is no wiring. We have beamed that, and it is very low powered, at around 8 watts, which is less than a light bulb. Some trials have been run on a hill top behind Mountain Lake Inn. This looks successful except that radios want a very clear line of sight. This is where the tower issue comes in to play: if the radios of the customer and the radios at the access point can’t clearly see each other, the signal is not clear, meaning height is everything. Mr. Thompson also advised there are notes on the Web Site regarding their progress, telling of their testing etc. At this point, it is all rather speculative. Trees around people’s homes were the problematic issue in another area where they have been working on this project. At this time Mr. Thompson stated it looks feasible, not necessarily economically, but technically. In reply to a question as to how many towers would need to be put up, Bill Thompson advised, right now they are trying to do with no towers, the issue becomes how to get the originating signal to the place where you would like to distribute it to customers. Normally, that is done if you have an array of towers you can bounce between with your main feed. Right now, they are not at the point of knowing just how many it would take. This would be wireless DSL. It is point to point, encrypted and cannot be picked up unless you have a radio subscribe to the service. Some people have replaced their satellite with this system and are very pleased with it.

The tower issue comes in with the Town Zoning Ordinances. Mr. Thompson allowed it is very detailed, but also very restrictive. It reads somewhat like a cookbook that states you shall not do this etc. The height limits, the position limits, and the camouflage requirements etc., make it prohibitively expensive. To add camouflage to a tower triples the price, so for small companies, it just won’t happen. Larger companies have a different agenda, and will be looking at cell towers, not short towers. Discussion ensued regarding interpretation of the Ordinance. Mr. Thompson advised they are not planning any towers, but allowed if they go higher, they would of course see more customers, and it would come closer to what would be economically feasible.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair advised if IAMNET does want to follow through on this project, the process would be to file a Site Plan. A special exception would be required in either the residential business district or residential rural district. In order to do the special exception, there is a list of criteria that would need to be met. Discussion ensued regarding the ordinance being written more for cell towers, not something of this stature. If there were other aspects of this ordinance that didn’t suit the application, they could apply for a variance for them, outside of the special exception.

Right now, they have a pole that is 8 feet high per Mr. Thompson in reply to a question from Bill Glennie.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair advised that if a Site Plan is filed, under section 11, Board of Adjustment, where it goes into criteria for the special exception, these 5 criteria will need to be met to file for a variance. Much discussion ensued. A number of people have been making inquires and making requests for service.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair advised if there were any questions to please feel free to contact the Planning Board.

Carolyn Demers, Mosaic Artiques did not appear before the Planning Board tonight.

Doug Webb – Lumber Barn did not appear before the Planning Board tonight.

Motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley