Planning Board Minutes 01.08.13

JANUARY 8, 2013

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Marcia Keller, Chair opened the meeting at 7:33pm with Phil LaMoreaux, Vice Chair, Mark Keith, Don Jackson, Jim Bibbo, John Greenwood, Carol Walker, Alternate, Sonny Harris, Selectman Representative and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Review and Consideration of December 11, 2012 minutes:

Motion was made by Jim Bibbo to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Phil LaMoreaux, Vice Chair. Motion carried 6-0.

Marcia Keller, Chair commented that they had just come from a meeting with the Honorable H. Bernard Waugh, the new town Attorney. The Mylar for Mr. Heselton has been recorded and filed.

Public Hearing – Lois Knapton – 150 East Main Street Boundary Line Adjustment

Map 17, Lots 11 & 12:

Sonny Harris, Selectmen Representative represented the town in Boundary Line Adjustment between the Town and Lois Knapton property. This piece of property had been sold to Ms Knapton years ago, but was never recorded, consequently a new Application was needed to be completed and was, and newly surveyed as well.

Marcia Keller, Chair opened the Public Hearing. There was no Public input.

Motion was made by Phil LaMoreaux, Chair to accept the Application as complete for the Boundary Line Adjustment on Map 17, Lot 11 & 12. Seconded by Sonny Harris.

Motion carried 6-0. John Greenwood abstained.

Motion was made by Jim Bibbo to approve the Boundary Line adjustment for Lois Knapton, Map 17, Lot 11 & 12. Seconded by Phil LaMoreaux. John Greenwood abstained. Motion carried 6-0.

Mylar and Plans were signed and ready to go to MCRD for recording.

Peter Isham – Pleasant Valley Road – Gravel Pit Application – Map 6, Lot 106:

Peter Isham came before the Planning Board inquiring what he is required to do to renew his Gravel Pit Application. Mr. Isham was advised he does not renew it, but does need to complete a new Application which he did take from the file. He was advised a Public Hearing needs to advertised and held and a 21 day notice is necessary to notify abutters.

Peter Isham was thanked for coming into the Planning Board to take care of the Application.

Barry Wheeler – Center Road – Subdivision Discussion – Map 2, Lot 104-1:

Barry Wheeler introduced Peter Mellen, Donald Mellen, Surveyor from Hillsboro who presented a conceptual sketch of the plan to subdivide to the board members for their perusal. Discussion ensued. A full Application will be required and a Public Hearing scheduled.

ZBA petition to modify Junk Yard setbacks from state highways:

A Public Hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, January 22, 2013 at 7:30pm for a Zoning

Amendment. A notice will be inserted in the January 11, 2013 Concord Monitor.

(Accomplished Wed. Jan. 9, 2013 am.)


Marcia Keller, Chair advised she has been in contact with a person from Mapleview Drive on Cheney Hill Road, Map 6, Lot 84. She had met with this person in the Planning Board office and reviewed the chart and there is no Home Owners Association information there. The concern is the maintenance of the road at that development. Resulting from this inquiry the following motion was made.

Motion was made by Phil LaMoreaux, Vice Chair to write a letter to the Town. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 7-0.

Don Jackson advised he has heard nothing from the Town office regarding letters they have sent to them concerning properties on West Road and Center Road. It was discussed that there was an e-mail from Atty. Bernie Waugh that is of interest to the Planning Board and Cheryl advised it would be forwarded.

Further topics of concern are:

Requesting electronic copies of plans and requiring signatures on plans, which should show on the original Application of all forms, subdivision, as well as boundary line adjustments. It was stated that one copy of the Site Plan should also be signed by the Planning Board.

Discussion regarding the lack of a CIP for 2012 concluded in preparing the CIP just omitting the information that is lacking from the Department Heads that did not provide it. Don Jackson provided what he has and Marcia Keller will present this to the Selectmen.

There being no further business to come before the Board, meeting adjourned at 9:30pm

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
