Planning Board Minutes 01.14.20



January 14, 2020

Meeting was called to order at 7:02pm.

Members Present: Pam Bruss (Chair), Claire James (Vice Chair), Carol Troy, Marlene Freyler filled seat for Tom Dunne and Planning Board Secretary Katie Olohan.

Members Absent:  Tom Dunne, Michael James (Selectmen), Carol Meise, Laurie Colburn, Alternates Steve Chase and Doug Troy.

To Do:

  •  Review and consideration for the December 10th, 2019 minutes

Motion: Pam Bruss motioned a continuation to approve December 10th 2019 minutes at the next Planning Board Meeting on January 28th, 2020 meeting.

Second: Claire James

Decision: 3-0 Marlene Freyler abstained.


  • At 7:04pm Pam opened a Public Hearing regarding Accessory Dwelling Units. Claire read into the record. No public were present. Pam stated that the Accessory Dwelling Unit document needs to be in Zoning Board format. The Public hearing was closed at 7:20pm.

Motion: Carol Troy motioned a continuation for the Accessory Dwelling Unit hearing for the next Planning Board meeting to be held on January 28th,2020.

Second: Pam Bruss

Decision: 4-0 in favor.

Master Plan Update:

  • ReviewedHistory and Culture and Community Facilities chapters. Claire will be meeting with Central New Hampshire Regional Planning to review corrections and/or edits for the final draft. Master Plan edits are expected over the next couple of weeks.  A public hearing will be targeted for late January early February.

Planning Board Communications:

  • The next Planning Board meeting will be held January 28th, 2020 at 7:00pm.

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to adjourn at 9:08pm.

Second: Carol Troy

Decision: 4-0 in favor

Minutes submitted by Katie Olohan, Planning Board Secretary

NOTE: MP3 recording only captured 15 seconds at beginning of meeting. Refer to streaming video.