Call to Order and Roll Call 7:00 pm: Attending: Katie Olohan, Chair, Carol Troy, Vice Chair, Carol Meise, Shanna Griffin, Chip Meany (Selectmen’s Rep). Laurie Colburn joined via Zoom.
Also attending: Matt Monahan, CNHRPC, on Zoom; Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary.
To Do: Review & Consideration of the December 17, 2024 minutes.
Motion: Shanna Griffin made a motion to approve the December 17, 2024 minutes as written.
Second: Carol Troy
Decision: 5-0, all in favor
Public Hearing: To establish a new Article, SURFACE WATER OVERLAY DISTRICT, that creates setbacks and standards for surface water protection to be administered by the Planning Board through a Conditional Use Permit process as described in NH RSA 674:21. This Article will replace the current Article XI, ENFORCEMENTS, which will be redesignated as Article XII; all subsequent amendments articles will be renumbered accordingly. Second Hearing.
Open Public Discussion: 7:01pm.
Jason Allen. Jason had concerns about the thoroughness of the ordinance and its authors. Carol Meise responded that over the course of a year input came from herself, the Zoning Board of Adjustment, Bradford’s Conservation Commission, Matt Monahan, CNHRPC. Several residents have reviewed and submitted contributions. Jason asked about the impact of the ordinance. Carol replied that the purpose of the ordinance is to slow or stop the process of deterioration caused by pollution in the water shed. Jason was concerned about the impact of ordinance should he want to expand his business which is adjacent to the Warner River. He also expressed concern that the ordinance would increase the work of the Planning Board.
Jason and others attending the meeting wanted to call attention to the contrast of this ordinance with the unabated use of salt and sand on Bradford’s roads which wind up in the watershed.
Pat Moreland asked if the Lake Massasecum Improvement Association was asked to be involved. Carol Meise answered that all of the meetings and hearings had been posted on the Town website and in public places.
A question was asked about how the ordinance would be enforced. Katie answered that ultimately the Select Board is charged with enforcement.
Closed to public: 8:11pm.
Planning Board Discussion: Board Members discussed with Matt Monahan a change in language concerning the portion of the ordinance dealing with septic system placement.
Motion: Carol Meise made a motion to approve the Surface Water Overlay District ordinance and send it to the Select Board with amended language for inclusion on the 2025 Bradford Town Warrant.
Second: Shanna Griffin
Decision: 5-0, all in favor.
Hearing closed at 8:21 pm
Public Hearing: Flood Plain Ordinance, To amend Article IX, FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE, as necessary to comply with requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program. First Hearing.
8:23 OPEN TO PUBLIC. No comments.
8:24 Closed to public
8:25 open to Planning Board
Motion: Carol Meise made a motion to accept the Flood Plain Development Ordinance as written.
Second: Carol Troy
Decision: 5-0, all in favor
Closed public hearing 8:26pm.
Unfinished Business: Site Plan, Fisherfield apartment condo conversion Map 16 Lots 73, 77 & 82. Set date for public hearing. The Board is waiting to hear from the applicant about approval of a change in road name and numbering of addresses.
Application: Subdivision Application: Hill & Dale, LLC, Map 7 Lot 26, Pleasant Valley Road, Bradford, NH. Application will be reviewed for completeness. Katie explained that the application, received on December 30, 2024, needed to be with the Planning Board for 21 days before review as stated on the application. This application will be reviewed at the January 28, 2025 Planning Board meeting.
Appearances: None
Public Comments:
New Business: None
Planning Board Communications:
Motion: Carol Meise made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Second: Shanna Griffin
Decision: 5-0, all in favor
Meeting adjourned at 8:33 pm
Next Planning Board Meeting January 28, 2025, 7:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Bigford