Planning Board Minutes 01.22.19

Draft Meeting Minutes
Town of Bradford
Planning Board
January 22, 2019 7:00 PM

Meeting called to order by Pam Bruss at 7:00PM

• Roll Call

Pam Bruss, Chair Claire James, Vice Chair
Tom Dunne Carol Meise
Marlene Freyler Jim Bibbo, Selectmen’s Rep

o Doug Troy, Carol Troy, Steve Chase, Garrett Bauer; Absent

• To Do:

1. Review & Consideration of December 11th minutes tabled, Claire and Pam will collaborate on the minutes.

• Appearances:

1. Katie and Richard Olohan, of 75 Hogg Hill Road, met with the Planning Board to informally discuss what would be needed to establish a commercial business at 71 West Main Street if they were to purchase the property. The Board provided input on what they knew about the property and advised that the Olohan’s to start with a Deed review at the Merrimack County Registry of Deeds and outlined parking considerations as well as understanding Code Enforcement requirements as items to research if proposing a new business.

• New Business:

1. No new business was discussed.

• Planning Board Communications:

1. Claire updated the Board on the status of Barry Wheeler’s gravel pit. The Board was working to determine whether they would need to declare his pit abandoned lacking an approved Intent to Excavate Permit, which expired on March 31st, 2017, and require a reclamation plan be filed the Planning Board. While not providing a legal opinion, Mary Pinkham-Langer, with the State of New Hampshire Municipal and Property Division, recommended the Board review RSA 155E:2:2:A:1 and RSA 155:E:5 which notes that an Excavation Permit is required to dig and an abandon pit would require a formal reclamation plan if the regulator finds that the public health, safety, or welfare requires such reclamation. Based upon the site visit done in July 2018, the Board felt there were no areas of concern that would drive requiring an approved reclamation plan.

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to inform Barry the Town considers his pit closed and the reclamation complete. No additional activity is approved on the property without obtaining new permitting as required by the State of New Hampshire and Town of Bradford.
Second: Carol Meise
Decision: 6-0 in favor

Claire James will draft a letter to Barry stating the Boards position.

2. Mike Tardiff, Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission, attended the meeting to discuss the Future Land Use chapter for the Master Plan update. Mike provided recommendations for the Board to consider based upon the feedback received from the Visioning Session and Master Plan Survey results.

These included discussing whether a distinct “village” district should be established and whether the acreage and road frontage zoning might be amended to allow greater density in a “village” setting.

Additionally, the Board may want to propose expansion of the Residential/Business District as well as establishing a Table of Uses for specific commercial enterprises as well as performance criteria as the current Zoning Regulations allow for a Special Exception which could potentially result in a Commercial Enterprise in a residentially zoned area.

The Board also discussed ways to make Cluster housing more attractive and whether there should be certain areas of Town designated as areas where Cluster housing is encouraged.

Claire also asked whether a “Build-Out Analysis” might be done for the Town. Mike outlined various criteria that would be needed to complete the analysis and will put together a high level draft focused on the downtown area and immediate surroundings. Mike will provide the Board with updated maps that include additional data components to aid in visualizing where some of the topics discussed may be most appropriate.

The Board will meet again with Mike to discuss:

a. Mike will provide a zoomed in view of the downtown and surround area.
b. If the Board would like to promote cluster builds where that would be? What might be some strategies that encourage cluster build?
c. Examine the Commercial Zone. Are there areas of opportunity and conditions that may encourage growth? What might a Table of Uses look like.
d. Mike will explore a Build-Out Analysis.
e. The Planning Board will look at establishing a small committee to focus on looking at the items above.

3. The next Planning Board meeting will be February 12th, 2019.

Motion: Claire James motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:38 PM
Second: Marlene Freyler
Decision: 6-0 in favor

Meeting adjourned

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn