Planning Board Minutes 01.26.21



January 26th,2021


The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm

Members Present:  Carol Troy (Vice Chair), Mel Pfeifle, Doug Troy (Alternate seated for Laurie Colburn), Carol Meise, Sonny Harris (Alternate).

Members Absent: Pam Bruss (Chair), Steve Chase (Alternate), Laurie Colburn, Tom Dunne.

Public Present:  Jason Allen, Pierre Hahn, Will Davis.

To Do:

  • Review and consideration of the January 12th, 2021 minutes.

Motion: Carol Meise motioned to accept the minutes as written.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: Doug Troy-Aye, Carol Meise-Aye, Carol Troy-Aye, Mel Pfeifle- Aye.

Public Hearing(s):

  1. Repeal of the Town of Bradford Code Ordinance:

Vice Chair Carol Troy read the rules and procedures into record. The Public Hearing was opened at 7:04pm. The Planning Board discussed how to move forward with the repeal. The Planning Board discussed that the Bradford’s building code is outdated as well as the ordinance itself. The Board discussed surrounding towns and what their procedure is with a building code enforcement officer. The Planning Board discussed that ultimately it would be the home owner’s reasonability to make sure that any building would meet the state requirements. Mel Pfeifle expressed feeling rushed and feeling more comfortable with having a building inspector for the town. Sonny Harris questioned if the reasoning not to have a code enforcement officer was due to economics. The building permit fee’s generated as income were discussed from the year 2020; there were approximately $30k in fees. Sonny Harris questioned the building inspectors’ salary and proposed that the salary be based off a percentage of fees. Doug Troy expressed that the removal of the building inspector position would be a saving in net costs as well as the liability. The repeal of the Town of Bradford Code Ordinance would be placed as a warrant article by the Select Board. The recommendation of support or opposition by the Planning Board would be added to the warrant article for the annual town meeting. Much like whether the Budget Committee is in favor or not in favor of items the Select Board may propose.

Motion: Carol Meise Motioned to take a vote to maintain or repeal the Town of Bradford Building Code Ordinance.

Second: Doug Troy

Decision: Doug Troy- Remove, Carol Meise -Remove, Mel Pfeifle- Abstain, Carol Troy-Remove.

Public Hearing closed at 7:30pm

  • Merrimack County Customs:

Public Hearing was opened at 7:30pm. Abutters were notified by certified mail; The Public Hearing was posted at the BACC, the town post office as well as on the town website .

The applicant Jason Allen spoke on behalf of the proposed machine shop. The applicant is looking to utilize the space and land.

Will Davis with Horizons Engineers representing the applicant gave an overview of the site plan application. Carol Meise questioned if the driveway will be paved or permeable. The only part that may be paved will be the entrance. Gravel will be used for the rest of the driveway. Onsite septic and well will be on the premise. Carol Troy questioned the vegetation surrounding the proposed building. The majority of trees will stay in front of the building, except for ones that may cause damage to the structure in the event of a wind storm. The sign for the building would be mounted to the building and adhere to the town sign ordinance regulations.

Jason Allen explained the visual impact from the road. The Board had no further questions.

Motion: Carol Meise Motioned to accept the site plan

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: Carol Troy-Aye, Mel Pfeifle-Aye, Carol Meise-Aye, Doug Troy-Aye.

The Public Hearing was Closed at 7:51pm

Appearances:  Pierre Hahn with the Kearsarge Food Hub for a preliminary discussion. Pierre Hahn shared the proposed site plan sketch with the board. There are three high tunnels for year-round production. Carol Troy questioned the flow of traffic. Pierre Hahn explained any school trips to the site will have a maxim of ten students per bus. Applicant Pierre will submit a site plan application and a Public Hearing will be scheduled for February 23rd,2021.

Other Communications:

Planning Board Communications:

The next Planning Board Meeting will be held on February 9th, 2020 at 7:00pm remotely on the ZOOM platform. To access and participate in a Planning Board meeting using the Zoom platform, either:

  1. To join Zoom meeting online:

Meeting ID: 309 707 493

Password: 757403


  1. Use a telephone to dial one of the following numbers:

 +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

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And enter the following Meeting ID when prompted:

Meeting ID: 309 707 493

            Password: 757403

Motion: Carol Meise motioned to adjourn.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision:  Mel Pfeifle- Aye, Carol Troy –Aye, Carol Meise-Aye, Doug Troy-Aye.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:03 pm

Draft Minutes submitted by

Katie Olohan

Planning Board Secretary