Planning Board Minutes 01.29.08

Town of Bradford
Planning Board
Public Hearing and Proposed Zoning Amendments
January 29, 2008

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair advised there are handouts of the summary of the two amendments available for the public.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM with Carol Meise, Alternate, Barbara Vannata, Jeff Aarons, Alternate.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair seated Carol Meise for Marcia Keller and Jeff Aarons for Bill Glennie.

1. Article III D.1. Minimum distance between any building and the edge of a public right-of-way or an accepted public road shall be fifty (50) feet.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair advised the first amendment would alter the Zoning Ordinance dealing with set-backs of structures from the road. The Building Inspector had requested that for simplicity sake, and his job of enforcing zoning, it was his opinion that one standard would be easier to enforce than two. Currently the Zoning is 50 feet from the edge of the road, or 75 feet from the center of the road. This would allow reduced set-backs in cases where road widths are less than 50 feet.

2. Article VIII. Floodplain Development Ordinance-required changes identified by the NH Office of Energy and Planning in order to remain compliant with the National Flood Insurance Program.

The second proposal is to amend the Floodplain Development Ordinance with several modifications. Everett Kittredge questioned if the edge of a voted right of way on accepted public road, does that include street plats? Conversation ensued. Phil LaMoreaux Chair advised the Floodplain Development Ordinance changes result in new flood written insurance maps that are being developed, and the State Office of Planning had gone through Bradford’s regulations to check for compliance with the new definitions and regulations. As a result, they suggested Bradford change their Flood Plain Zoning Ordinance.

Millie Kittredge read Article III in Zoning: “By special exception the front yard set-back may be the average of the depth of the existing buildings on either side of the lot in question. Phil LaMoreaux, Chair advised there is no proposal to change this at this time.

Comment was made that this is a Public Hearing, and only two public members attended.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair advised if the Planning Board accepts these amendments as they are, they will go to Town Meeting, which will be on the ballot.

Motion was made by Jeff Aarons to proceed with the amendments as they are written. Phil LaMoreaux, Chair closed the Public Hearing. Carol Meise seconded. Motion carried. Motion carried 4-0.

Meeting Adjourned 7:30pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
