Planning Board Minutes 02.11.20




The meeting was called to order at 7:01pm.

Members Present: Claire James (Vice Chair), Carol Troy, Carol Meise, Marlene Freyler, Laurie Colburn  (left meeting at 7:15pm) and Planning Board Secretary Katie Olohan.

Members Absent:  Pam Bruss (Chair), Tom Dunne, Michael James (Selectmen), Alternates Steve Chase and Doug Troy.

To Do: Review and consideration for January 28th, 2020 minutes.

Motion: Carol Meise made a motion to approve the January 28th, 2020 minutes.

Second: Carol Troy

Decision:  All in favor 4-0


Beata Bzura met with the Planning Board for a preliminary discussion in regards to a potential retreat center. The retreat center would eventually have 10 cabins, a common space for meditation programs and a kitchen area. The retreat center would be located on 131 Massasecum Ave. Map 11 lot 14 &18. This property is situated on approximately 83 acres.  Beata Bzura has not yet purchased this property.

Claire James stated that moving forward the Planning Board will need a formal letter from the current owner authorizing to speak on their behalf. The Planning Board directed Beata Bzura to meet with the Zoning Board to submit the application for a special exception for a rural business. If the application is accepted by the Zoning Board then moving forward the Planning Board will need to make an appointment with the Regional Planning Office; meeting with the Regional Planning Office will help with what criteria is specifically needed in order to move forward. The preliminary discussion with Beate Bzura ended at 7:28pm.

Master Plan Update: Final draft under review. A public hearing will be targeted for March 10th, 2020.

  • The board discussed the upcoming  Zoning and Planning board conference.

Planning Board Communications:

The next Planning Board meeting will be held on February 25th, 2020 at 7:00pm.

Motion:Carol Meise motioned to adjourn at 8:43pm.

Second: Marlen Freyler

Decision: All in favor 4-0

Minutes submitted by Katie Olohan, Planning Board Secretary.