Planning Board Minutes 02.23.21

Meeting called to order at 7:03 pm

Members present : Pam Bruss ( chair), Carol Troy ( vice chair), Mel Pfeifle, Carol Meise, Sonny Harris alternate seated for Tom Dunne

Public Present: Holly Riley, Pierre Hahn, Scott Mc Caskill, Kayla Hamill, Cathering DeVanes

To do:

Review and consideration of the Feb 9, 2021 minutes:
Motion : Carol Troy motioned to accept the minutes as written.
Second: Mel Pfeifle
Decision : Carol T- Aye, Mel Pfeifle – Aye, Carol Meise – Aye, Sonny Harris- abstain, Pam Bruss – Aye

1) Public Hearing for Pierre Hahn Site Plan Application Map 6 Lot 34

Pam Bruss Recused herself at 7:07

Rules of procedure read into record.

Applicant proposing a market farm with an education component. Students coming to the farm between 1-3 times a week in the spring and fall of each year.

Letter from Road agent Steve Hall read into record with his concern being the traffic coming and going and the weight of any large vehicles going across the culvert. Steve will assess the situation this spring.

The site plan application was read into record.

An authorization letter by the owner of the property ( Dabney Kelsey) was read into record.

The abutters were noticed and the public was also noticed.

Vote to accept the application : Carol Meise – yes, Mel Pfeifle – yes, Sonny Harris – yes, Carol Troy – yes

Pam Bruss reseated

2) Holly Riley appeared in regards to a sign permit application for 121 East Main St.

She willl bring in a drawing of the proposed sign at a future date.

3) Kyla Hamill and Catherine De Vanes appeared for a preliminary discussion of a site plan review for the Bradford Junction and Cafe.
No site plan for the previous business at that location was found. They plan a dine in and take out restaurant with a coffee bar, pastries and perhaps ice cream this summer. They are planning to complete a site plan application and hope to have it complete in March

4) Scott McCaskill appeared regarding a minor subdivision of Map 2 Lot 9.

The board informed him of the requirements regarding road frontage and buildable acres. He has 40 acres total and plans to make the new lot at least 5 acres to comply with the state requirements.

5) Mike Howles of 85 Cheney Hill Rd Map 6 Lot 85 inquired about subdividing a lot of 2.98 acres.  This is part of the Maple View subdivision. The board discussed the non conforming lot and will reach out to him for further discussion.

6) Mel Pfeifle brought up the idea of what can be done to improve the Bradford Tall Pines area. Possibly the Conservation Commission can attend a future planning board meeting and give an evaluation of the current state of the Pines. Mel also brought up the idea of several town boards and committee’s getting involved in promoting Bradford as a tourist destination.

The next planning board meeting will be held on March 9, 2021 at 7:00 pm remotely on the Zoom platform.