Planning Board Minutes 02.25.20



Feb 25, 2020

Meeting was called to order at 7:01pm.

Members Present: Pam Bruss (Chair), Claire James (Vice Chair), Carol Troy, Tom Dunne, Carol Meise, Michael James (Selectmen)

Members Absent: Laurie Colburn. Alternates Steve Chase, Marlene Freyler, and Doug Troy.

To Do:

  •  Review and consideration for the Feb 11, 2020 minutes

Motion: Carol Meise motioned to approve the Feb 11, 2020 minutes.

Second: Carol Troy

Decision: 2-0 Pam Bruss and Tom Dunne abstained.

Appearance Map 3 Lot 82B: 

  • Rick Deschenes, Map 3 Lot 82B. Gateway Rentals LLC appeared with an application for Site Plan and Preliminary discussion. Additional 4 buildings, gravel driveway and drainage system to handle water runoff was proposed, pending Shoreline Protection application to DES. Would like to have a tentative Public Hearing on March 24th, 2020. 
  • Claire James and Micheal James seated at 7:12 pm. 
  • Claire James brought up questions of current vehicles and boats being stored on property, which is not part of the approved site plan currently. 
  • Board would like to add the Warner River Advisory Committee to the list of Abutters. 
  • Clarifying questions were asked: When are lights on? Answer: Dusk to Dawn. Is there a location for current septic? Yes, it will be drawn on. Slope to river? Will be planted with grass and won’t be taking any trees down. 
  • Water Runoff on more than 10,000 sq ft would trigger the stormwater management plan which output was included. However, when such a situation occurs it is normal practice for the board to have a town engineer review and give feedback. Board felt they needed to move forward with this. Pam Bruss will start the process and follow up with the owner. 
  • Checks were received with application. 

Appearance Map 10 Lot 12A:

  • Mary Bellino, acting on behalf of Michael Bellino submitted a letter of approval for representation for a preliminary discussion.
  • Mary came with an application for subdivision. 23 acres on Rowe Mt and Forest Street. Would like to split into 13 and 10. 
  • Board informed the applicant that a survey would need to be completed so we know where property lines etc would be. Pam Bruss to inform applicant of correct fees to be submitted at the time of application and public hearing. 
  • Public hearing tentive for March 24th, 2020 based on availability of survey being completed. Applicant will inform us. 

Master Plan Update:

  • Public Notice will be sent for March 10th 2020. (After meeting Claire James learned that timeline would not work and will send out notice for March 24th 2020.) 

Other Communications:

  • Spring Planning and Zoning Conference – Claire James, Katie Olohan plan on attending from the Planning Board. Pam Bruss, Carol Troy, Carol Meise, Tom Dunne do not plan on attending this year. Others TBD. 
  • Claire James discussed Maple View Subdivision, more construction is happening and road is not up to approved plan. Discussed that this would be the Selectman’s responsibility to enforce through the Building Inspector. Claire to follow up with Selectman. 

Planning Board Communications:

  • The next Planning Board meeting will be held March 10th, 2020 at 7:00pm.

Motion: Carol Meise motioned to adjourn at 8:14 pm.

Second: Claire James

Decision: 6-0 in favor

Minutes submitted by Pam Bruss, Planning Board Chair