Planning Board Minutes 02.26.19

Draft Meeting Minutes   
Town of Bradford
Planning Board
February 26, 2019 7:00 PM
Meeting called to order by Pam Bruss at 7:08PM
Roll Call Pam Bruss, Chair Claire James, Vice Chair Marlene Freyler Jim Bibbo, Selectmen’s Rep 1. Tom Dunne, Carol Meise, Carol Troy, Doug Troy, Steve Chase, Garrett Bauer; Absent
• To Do:
1. Review & Consideration of January 22nd Minutes. Motion: Jim Bibbo motioned to approve Second: Claire James Decision: 4-0 in favor
• Appearances: None scheduled
• Pending Business:
1. Claire provided the Board with a copy of a draft letter that would inform Barry Wheeler that the Town considers his Gravel Pit, Map 2/Lot 104-1, closed. Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to approve the letter with edit to remove a reference to RSA 155E:2, II (a)(1). Second: Jim Bibbo Decision: 4-0 in favor
2. The Board discussed a pending Site Condition review for Map 3/Lot 1 where the property was out of compliance with the approved site plan. Motion: Claire James motioned to follow up with the property owner in the spring, when weather permits, to make sure the fence installation is complete. Second: Marlene Freyler Decision: 4-0 in favor
• New Business:
1. The Board discussed whether a reported store at NFI’s location would require an updated Site Plan Review. If the store is serving the public a revised Site Plan would be required.
2. Claire informed the Board that a Massage/Yoga business will be opening at the Bradford Inn. Unless, LLC. will be added to the next Planning Board agenda, on March 12th, to discuss updating the Site Plan.
3. Pam had received a question about the process to update a Class VI road to a Class V road. Marlene and Jim indicated the process would go through the Selectmen and require a vote at Town Meeting. Pam will research the details and follow up at the next Planning Board meeting, March 12th.
4. Jim asked the Board whether there was any interest in assuming his position with the Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission. Currently Jim Bibbo and Harry Wright (Chair, CNHRPC) participate for the Town of Bradford. The Board did not have any immediate thoughts on assuming Jim’s position but would like to begin inviting Jim and Harry to speak with the Board on a more regular basis for informational updates.
• Planning Board Communications:
1. Claire provided an update on the Master Plan refresh; all chapters are complete with the exception of the Land Use Chapter. Mike Tardif, Central New Hampshire Regional Planning, is working on a build out analysis covering the downtown and immediate surrounding areas, to determine what the land usage might look like if changes were made to Bradford’s Zoning Regulations. Mike will attend the next meeting to present the analysis. Once the Planning Board provides input on the final chapter a full draft will be presented for review. Upon acceptance, a Public Hearing will be conducted to adopt the revised Master Plan.
2. Marlene raised a concern regarding Alternate attendance and participation on the Board. She expressed concern that alternates only participate on an on call basis and that it may not be appropriate for them to vote on a matter if they haven’t been attending meetings. Pam agreed additional alternates were needed and encouraged anyone interested in being an Alternate to begin attending meetings. Alternate’s can often provide the resource to insure a quorum is attained to allow the Planning Board to meet deadlines as required by law and in the absence of participating alternates, on call seems the only option. The Board discussed submitting an update for The Bridge that clarifies an Alternate as a voluntary position rather than an elected position and stresses the importance of community involvement and volunteerism. A suggestion was made to call out Alternate opportunities during the upcoming Town Election March 12th.
3. The next Planning Board meeting will be March 12th, 2019.
Motion: Claire James motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:47 PM Second: Jim Bibbo Decision: 4-0 in favor
Meeting adjourned
Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn