Planning Board Minutes 03.27.12

P. O. BOX 436

MARCH 27, 2012 at 7:00pm

Call to Order and Roll Call: Marcia Keller, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. Bill Glennie, Jim Bibbo, Sonny Harris, Selectmen’ s Representative, and alternates, Mark Keith and Caryl Walker were present. John Greenwood, Phil LaMoreaux, and Don Jackson were absent. Mark Keith was seated for John Greenwood and Caryl Walker was seated for Phil LaMoreaux.

Review and Consideration of February 28, 2012 Minutes: Motion was made by Bill Glennie to accept minutes. Marcia Keller changed Industrial Communication paragraph to read: this company will purchase the land (7.4 acres) and pays pay property taxes. Motion was amended and seconded. Amended minutes were accepted.

Appearance before Board: Jesse Singh, owner (former Master’s Store) with Laura Halloran (BBA:BPB liaison) appeared before board in answer to letter. He explained his plans for the building: interior construction and renovation for retail space of general merchandise; doors in front will remain as emergency egress; main door will be on right side of building; parking will be on right side of building where building was leveled; signage will be on roof where Master’s sign was located; back area (living quarters in former Master’s Store) will be used for storage or rented to another business with common restroom facilities. Discussion ensued concerning elevation changes, septic system, food operation, signage and illumination. Mr. Singh said that septic system would not allow for food operation, except take-out food, elevations would be the same. Board recommended a site plan revision to be presented before the board at least 2 months prior to opening for business.

Laura Halloran then asked what paper work was needed for the Lumber Barn signage issue and was directed by Marcia Keller.

To Do Folder: 1. Letter from Marilyn Gordon to close out Dependable Dumpster account was returned. 2. Home business sign (Trudy Willett’s property on Old Warner Road) will be corrected. 3. Letter from Warner Village Water District: The auto recycling facility is close to Warner River. O. E. Trucking needs to be held to the highest standards. 4. Letter from Town of Warner: Concerned with the release of chemicals; recommends delaying consideration of O. E. Trucking. These 2 letters will be added to the O. E. Trucking file. 5. Stormwater Pollution Protection Plan (needed prior to O.E. Trucking hearing) has not arrived.

Election of Officers: Sonny Harris is Selectmen’s Representative to the Planning Board. Jim Bibbo was appointed by the Planning Board to fill Sonny Harris’ now vacant position. Marcia Keller and Phil LaMoreaux were reinstated as Chairman and Vice-Chairman, respectively, and approved by the board. Dave Nunnallly expressed interest in becoming alternate for the Planning Board.

Re-formatting of Zoning Ordinance to Include Workforce Housing Section: Workforce Housing passed 323 to 329.) Workforce Housing will be incorporated into Zoning Ordinance as Article 6 in BZO. Bill Glennie will reformat ZBA and correct the spelling of the word “Article” as it appears incorrectly.

Voluntary Merger Map 8 Lots 24 &25: Two ‘bowling alley” lots to be merged, which is not a problem with a deed with proper description.

Discussion about corrections to tax maps. “No money to fix”. $2,500 to correct. What are we paying for? Need correct maps to be able to defend town.

Build-Out Analysis: Sonny and Phil are working on this, which will be a useful toolsto predict future town growth.

Adjournment: 8:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Caryl Walker Substitute Secretary