Planning Board Minutes 03.24.09

MARCH 24, 2009

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair called the March 24th meeting to order at 7:00pm with Barry Wheeler, Barbara Vannata, Sonny Harris, Jim Bibbo, Alternate, Jane Johnsen, Alternate, Bill Glennie present. Absent were Marcia Keller, Selectmen Representative and Marge Cilley, Secretary.

Review and Acceptance of December 23rd working meeting:

Motion was made by Barry Wheeler and seconded by Sonny Harris to accept the minutes as presented. Motion carried. Phil LaMoreaux, Chair and Bill Glennie abstained as they were not present at this meeting.

Election of Officers:

Barbara Vannata was re-elected for three years, and Barry Wheeler was also re-elected for three years. Phil LaMoreaux accepted continuation of being Chair. Marcia Keller was nominated as Vice Chair if she would consider it. Discussion ensued regarding prospective alternates.

To Do Folder:

A copy of the letter, dated March 4, 2009, the Selectmen had written to the Kennel owner on 127 Pleasant View Road was read into the minutes by Phil LaMoreaux, Chair. (Letter on file). Discussion ensued with no decisions made at this time.

Discussion took place regarding the Master Plan with the hope of getting people thinking about the Implementation Chapter and how to move forward as a board.

Goals for the upcoming year include:

1. When the Conservation Commission Natural Resource Inventory is done, it would be a critical tool to have and look at for rezoning. Sonny Harris volunteered to be a liaison between the Planning Board and Conservation Commission.

2. Town Facilities – Taken care of by others.

3. Selectmen are pursuing town owned properties in the down town area.

4. Continue on a case by case basis when applications come in.

5. Cluster Subdivision was discussed.

7. Transportation System topic was discussed, including sidewalks.

Jack Meaney, Selectmen introduced himself to the board members as being the new Selectmen Representative and advised he will be meeting with the board on their regularly scheduled meetings. In turn, the board members each introduced themselves to Mr. Meaney.

Jack Meaney addressed the Kennel on Pleasant View Road and advised that a letter needs to be forwarded to him from the Planning Board, requesting he come in for a Site Plan for a Kennel. Phil LaMoreaux, Chair will write the before mentioned letter in Marge’s absence.

The upcoming Planning and Zoning Conference was discussed.

Motion made, seconded and carried to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
