APRIL 24, 2012
Call to Order and Roll Call:
Marcia Keller, Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00pm with Phil LaMoreaux, John Greenwood, Jim Bibbo, Bill Glennie, Caryl Walker, Alternate, Mark Keith, Alternate and Marge Cilley, Secretary present. Don Jackson was absent.
Marcia Keller, Chair seated Caryl Walker for Don Jackson and Mark Keith for Bill Glennie.
Review and Consideration of March 27, 2012 minutes:
Motion was made by Phil LaMoreaux to approve the minutes of March 27, 2012 as presented. Mark Keith seconded. Motion carried 3-0. (Phil LaMoreaux abstained; Bill Glennie had not yet arrived)
Activate CIP for 2013:
Discussion of procedures and process for the 2013 CIP was discussed. Don Jackson had advised he would be willing to serve again and wanted to check with the rest of the members of the committee from last year, and one thing he would want is technical support. Discussion ensured whether Jon Marden would do it again this year. It was discussed if there could be a representative from the highway committee involved, and the Selectmen will be approached regarding this.
Bill Glennie arrived and Mark Keith was unseated.
Applications; Procedures and Process to obtain Applications:
Lengthy discussion ensued with Sue McKevitt who has offered her services. A Master Plan was looked for on the Web and wasn’t found. It was explained that the town of Bradford .org is the actual town Web site. It was also advised that the Master Plan can be seen at the library.
Sue McKevitt advised at Town meeting, the town voted that corporations are not a person, and is not sure how this should be resolved. However, on Page 11 of the Zoning Board Ordinances, under bb “PERSON-means an individual, firm, association, organization, partnership, trust, company or corporation.”
Sue McKevitt offered her services to make explanation and clarity better for people to know where to go for help. Sue also interjected that the Zoning Board of Adjustment had made a good report in the Town Report of their duties and services and the Planning Board could perhaps do the same.
Sue McKevitt suggested that she be an interested citizen in making some changes in her property and have the planning board walk her through step by step making it clearer for the public to know where they should go for assistance in a certain circumstance.
As the different sequences were discussed, Phil LaMoreaux put a flow chart together which he will clean up, and make a conceptual one page flow chart to assist the public to go to the correct board for assistance.
William Morris, East Washington Road, Map 7, Lots 32 and 33 – Voluntary Merger:
Mr. Morris came before the Planning Board explaining what he thought he would do. After much discussion, and various choices he could have, he decided to do nothing at this time with his property.
Dubaere Voluntary Merger:
Follow up by Ms. Dubaere is being done.
Bridge Reporting from the Planning Board:
Phil LaMoreaux will write some information regarding the definition of what the Planning Board is and does and forward it to Marcia Keller to put into the May Bridge with the idea of doing this on a monthly basis.
Letter from Sugar River Bank:
The requested letter, pictures and information from Sugar River Bank regarding the Merrimack Store was acknowledged. The map was signed and dated and will be forwarded to all department heads.
O E Trucking – Development of Regional Impact:
Jim Bibbo questioned if the Town of Sutton was notified of the O E Trucking Vehicle Salvage operation as a possible Development of Regional Impact as there are a few houses on the river prior to the river flowing to Warner who was contacted? Jim will bring this up at the May 8, 2012 Planning Board meeting.
Bill Glennie was thanked for updating the ZBA templates for all the Ordinances.
Motion Adjourned 9:15pm
Respectfully submitted
Marjorie R. Cilley