Planning Board Minutes 04.26.22

The meeting was called to order at 7:05

Members Present: Pam Bruss (Chair), Carol Troy (Vice Chair), Mel Pfeifle (Select Board Rep), Katie Olohan (alternate seated for Laurie Colburn at 7:06)

Members Absent: Carol Meise, Laurie Colburn, Tom Dunne, Sonny Harris alternate, Steve Chase alternate

Public Present: Stan Ovrevik, Kristen Mihaley

Minutes from previous meeting unavailable so review and consideration moved to future meeting.

Public Hearing: none


Stan Ovrevik of the Rosewood Country Inn received a request from the State regarding his state sign on Route 103. The State requests a directional sign at the intersection of High Street and Fairgrounds Road. There was a sign there previously. He presented his new sign which is 3 ft square and within the requirements of the Bradford sign ordinance.

Kristen Mihaley of 9 Old Sutton Rd Map 2 Lot 113 came before the Board to present her site plan application. She gave an overview of her plan. Her business “Nourish” is currently housed in a section of the house. She is hoping to add a 30 by 26 building to the left of the house and on the current driveway for the use of her business. The public hearing for this proposal will be on May 10, 2022 at 7 PM. Kristen will send the application and site plan via pdf to the planning board prior to the public hearing.

Kristen Mihaley also expressed an interest in filling one of the open alternate positions on the Planning Board.

Motion to accept Kristen as an alternate: Carol Troy

Second: Katie Olohan

All ayes

The Board discussed changing the current schedule of two meetings a month (the second and 4th Tuesdays of each month) to once a month. The Board decided that the 4th Tuesday of each month would be the Planning Board meeting. This schedule change would begin on May 24th.

Motion to approve this change: Carol Troy

Second: Katie Olohan

Katie will notify the Bradford Bridge regarding the Planning Board schedule change.


Lot line adjustment form.

CIP Committee formation

Motion to adjourn: Katie Olohan

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Meeting adjourned at 7:40