Planning Board Minutes 05.11.21

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm

Members Present: Pam Bruss (Chair), Carol Troy (Vice Chair), Mel Pfeifle (Selectmen’s Rep)
Carol Meise, Doug Troy, Sonny Harris (seated at 7:08 pm)
Members Absent: Laurie Colburn, Tom Dunne, Steve Chase (alternate), Katie Olohan (alternate)
Public Present: Martin Chivers, Matt Monahan (CNHRPC), Ray Critch (Horizon’s Engineering)

To Do:
● Review and consideration of the April 27th, 2020 minutes. Laurie Colburn took minutes and we
have yet to see them. Pam Bruss asked Amiee Dallas to email Laurie for an update. Will review
and approve at the next meeting.

Public Hearing(s): Lot line of adjustment submitted by Martin R. Chivers, located at 10 Breezy Hill
Road, Bradford, NH. (Map3/Lot74A-74B).

The Public Hearing was called into session at 7:09 pm. The rules and procedures were read into record by Chair Pam Bruss. The application was reviewed, read into record. Sonny Harris recused himself at 7:23 pm.

Motion: Doug Troy Motioned to accept the application as complete with the condition that the deed
description is submitted and reviewed by the planning board.
Second: Carol Meise
Decision: Doug Troy- Aye, Carol Meise-Aye, Pam Bruss- Aye, Mel Pfeifle- Aye, Carol Troy-Aye. 5-0

Ray Critch, from Horizon’s Engineering presented on behalf of Martin Chivers. Martin R. Chivers has
proposed to annex 5.46 acres from Map 3 Lot B to Map 3 Lot A. Lot A would become 60.87
acres, Lot B would become 15.05 acres This will include an 50ft easement access to be retained
by Chivers to access his other property.

Site walk showed a log yard holding area which is not included on the site plan submitted. Not
much vegetation that shows vegetation/tree line on the new plan.
Pam Bruss asked about the missing culvert, Ray noted it’s there just not labeled. Ray will label it
on the plan. Pam Bruss asked about the 100 year flood line, it is there, just very light on the
plans. Mel Pfeifle asked if there is enough of an easement for abutters to do future work on their
property. Ray from Horizons Engineering states the easement is 50 feet and should be plenty
and is a pretty wide easement.

Carol Troy states that previous site plans state its a recycling center there is no indication of wood
storage or a current logging business. Carol Troy questioned if property was in compliance and
whether a lot line adjustment can be done if the current site plan is out of compliance. Doug Troy
mentioned it’s not inline with how the Planning Board has made decisions in the past, a lot must
be in compliance. Matt Monahan suggested checking with the town attorney and/or Municipal
Association for clarification.

Pam Bruss reviewed the proposal and discussion. Open items: deed description needed, question
regarding approval vs current compliance.

Sonny Harris commented: One, the deed description shouldn’t be an issue. Second, the log yard
plot has been there forever and shouldn’t be an issue, it’s on earlier plans. Third, the 50 ft right of
way is important and good. Fourth, why can’t this be approved because it’s simple and someone
else can come in and do the new site plan with the log yard at a later date after it changes hands.
Motion: Carol Troy Motioned to continue the public hearing until May 25, 2020.
Second: Carol Meise
Decision: Doug Troy- Aye, Carol Meise-Aye, Pam Bruss- Aye, Mel Pfeifle- Aye, Carol Troy-Aye. 5-0
Public Hearing closed at 7:48 pm.

● Matt Monahan from Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission (CNHRPC)
presented an overview of the table of uses draft. Changes have been made to take out the uses in
narrative form throughout the zoning ordinance and inserted the CURRENT status into a table. It
was simply updated in form with NO changes made to the permitted/not permitted/special
exception. CNHRPC’s suggestion is to review the current form and make sure it is a current
representation without changes. We could change permitted uses at a later date, this will make it
easier to understand. Nothing was changed from narrative to table. Mel Pfeifle mentioned that
this is a great format and helps with glaring items that don’t seem to fit Bradford anymore. Doug
Troy mentioned that he doesn’t feel this draft is a good representation of our current regulations,
there has been a lot of liberty in interpretation with the table. Pam Bruss suggests that we should
highlight items that don’t seem to fit or have questions on for the next meeting. Does this chart
accurately reflect what the current regulations and zoning say in the narrative format? June 8th
meeting complete Residential, Agricultural and Institutional section review. Make notes and
bring questions.

Other Communications:
● Matt Monahan started the process review, has a spreadsheet running and is starting to move
forward. Process Review will be added to the agenda at each working meeting. June 8th agenda.
● Mel Pfeifle brought up a business going into the Masonic building. Operating on Fridays,
Saturdays and Sundays. To run from June 25, 2021 to Columbus day. Will be discussed
at the May 25, 2021 meeting. What do we need to do to allow it and move it forward?
Matt Monahan will contact NH Municipal Association to see what process is for site
plans for a building owned by the town. It is possible no site plan is needed. Pam Bruss
questioned what is needed by the town, does it have to follow its own requirements? Matt Monahan said towns don’t have to, attorney’s will likely say they should, the answer is
probably in the middle. Matt Monahan will look into this more. Deerfield, NH has a
similar situation, Mel will look into contacting them to better understand what they did.

● To be added to the agenda for May 25th: Chivers continuation; Mason’s Building; Brett
Barselle subdivision, Erik Hagstrom, Alder Plains subdivision. June 8th agenda: Table of
Uses, and Process Review.

Planning Board Communications:
The next Planning Board Meeting will be held on May 25th, 2020 at 7:00 pm, remotely on
the ZOOM platform AND in person at the Town Offices. To access and participate in a
Planning Board meeting using the Zoom platform, either:

  1. To join Zoom meeting online:
    Meeting ID: 309 707 493
    Password: 757403
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    Motion: Carol Troy Motioned to adjourn at 8:35 pm.
    Second: Carol Meise
    Decision: Doug Troy- Aye, Carol Meise-Aye, Pam Bruss- Aye, Mel Pfeifle- Aye, Carol Troy-Aye. 5-0
    Meeting Adjourned at 8:35 pm
    Draft Minutes submitted by
    Pamela Bruss
    Planning Board Chair