Planning Board Minutes 05.14.19

MAY 14, 2019

Meeting was called to order at 7:05pm.

Members Present: Pam Bruss, Laurie Colburn, Tom Dunne, Marlene Freyler, Alternate; Claire James, Carol Meise, Carol Troy

Members Absent: Steven Chase, Michael James, Selectman Rep.; Doug Troy

Review and Consideration of April 23, 2019 Minutes 

Pam Bruss read a letter to the board requesting clarification for the street plat process. Marcia Keller cited RSA 641:1 in response to this. Pam advised that the 4/23/19 minutes need to reflect that the Planning Board must follow up with an attorney to make sure this process is correctly understood.                                                  

Motion: Carol Troy motioned to accept the minutes, including the edit above. Carol Meise seconded.                                                                                      Decision: Motion carried 6-0.


  • Bradford Bear Cider, 3056 Rt. 114, Map 11/Lot 64 (owner, John Westwood) – Application for Home Business

.John Westwood appeared before the board to provide some information about a small hard cidery and brewery under the name Bradford Bear. He advised that he has already obtained the necessary license and would like to start the brand with small amounts of beer/cider. Though this is a small venture, the applicable laws are the same whether one makes 50 barrels or 20K barrels. The board asked the requisite questions to determine whether or not this venture falls into the category of a home business – including number of employees, business hours, additional traffic expected, changes to the footprint of the existing building and other pertinent questions. John stated that he is unlikely to employee anyone other than himself and one other person, and that the building would be maintaining its existing footprint. The brewing will be done in a garage, which prior to this venture was being utilized for an excavation business. The character of the buildings on site will not be altered at all.

Pam asked what will happen with any waste products. John responded that waste would be composted and then put to use for the orchard. Laurie asked about traffic each week coming in and out of the property. John stated that there would be very little traffic coming in and out and that he expected perhaps two or three truckloads of apples would come in for a season. If he decided to hold any events on site, he would need to get the appropriate permits and stated that he’d expect 20-30 cars to be “a lot” in association with such events. Events are not however expected to be numerous but rather occasional. As far as deliveries are concerned, John plans to deliver the product himself. There will be no massive delivery trucks; perhaps a total of 10 trucks would be coming in for the season. Delivering out would be the same amount (of trucks) but since the goal is to distribute the product personally – which is doable and within the realm of state license parameters – trucks delivering out will not be an issue. Total expected production is estimated to be in the range of 2,000-3,000 gallons of cider per year, and regular business hours will be between 7am and 8pm.

Pam Bruss signed off on the Home Business application form but there was no formal approval vote amongst board members, as this form is strictly voluntary per the town’s regulations.

  • Kearsarge Fitness, Map 3, Lot 52-2a (Jessica and Matt Michie) – Change of Use

Jessica Michie introduced herself and husband, Matt. They will be closing on Map 3, Lot 52-2a, the old Kearsarge Fitness property, in the coming weeks. She and her husband appeared before the board to conduct a conceptual discussion prior to proceeding. Their plan is to open a complete nursery, to include lawn and garden supplies, plants, perennials, trees, shrubs, annuals, and some good quality pet food and pet related retail items. Jessica has significant experience in this arena, having managed Spring Ledge in New London for 2 yrs., Milikan Nursery for 2 yrs. and an Agway in Tilton for many years. The business model would be similar to Henniker Farm and Feed Store but they do not plan to carry grains. Jessica provided a few conceptual and design sketches to the board members, highlighting some of the plans for the property. They would like to have an attached greenhouse year round, and plan to add a full sized porch off the side of the main building in order to create a more “country” feel/aesthetic. Eventually they would also like to attach a cupola. The attached greenhouse proposed would not have any concrete pad. Another greenhouse would be located in the field. (Size – approx. 26’x48’).

They have already spoken with the owner of the abutting property, Dr. Diane Richter of Compassion Vet, who is very excited that they will be moving in next door. Jessica and her husband advised that they have done their due diligence, having already gone through the bank for financing purposes. They have also already secured a grant for the proposed second greenhouse. As for signage, they plan to use the granite posts existing, but are not sure about the actual sign design as of yet. Inside the building they will be getting rid of the existing lockers, showers, etc. and for the most part it will be open retail space. They would like to operate the business M-Sat. 9-6pm and Sunday 10-3pm.

The Michies have reapplied to DOT for a change of use driveway permit. The driveway itself will not be moving. An engineer with whom they consulted has advised that there are 24 parking spots so this should not be an issue. The septic (which is larger than usual due to the former gym’s requirements) was also just inspected and the well is suitable. Jessica advised that any fertilizer used will be all organic, which the board was glad to hear given the presence of wetlands. They also hope to have one-time pick up available for the bulk materials offered.

Some questions ensued, including a question from Pam, who asked if there will be a specific pathway for trucks to come in to the loading docks. Jessica advised that while they do have access to Blaisdell Rd., there will be no large trucks coming in from this road. Rather, they would be coming in from Rt. 103 and wouldl then go around to the back of the building. Also asked was the type of equipment they plan to have onhand, as well as storage. They do plan to have a forklift on site. Pam advised that the business sign should be within a certain distance from the state road right-of-way and that it would be a good idea to check this distance with DOT in advance. Claire provided the Michies with the appropriate DOT contact for this purpose.

Pam was interested in water runoff rates and amounts, and advised that depending on circumstances, a stormwater management plan may be triggered. Jessica responded that she expected there would be more shed water than runoff from the ground. Claire asked if there is a current timeline for opening. The opening date is scheduled for November 30, 2019. Other questions from the Michies were related to engineering requirements and sign lighting, which the board addressed. They plan to hire approximately 4 employees and considered establishing their business in Claremont, Lebanon and Warner prior to choosing Bradford.

Regarding site plan review, Pam advised that the board would like the site plan application at least one month in advance. The board technically has 21 days to review the plan and then hold a public hearing. The Michies will be appearing before the ZBA on June 5th for a special exception. If all goes well they can submit their site plan application on June 6th, the Planning Board can then review it on June 11th, and if all goes well could public notice it 21 days from the 11th. The first date of decision at a public hearing would be on July 9th. The Planning Board must wait for a special exception from the ZBA prior to making a decision, unless the board is able to make a decision contingent upon this. Laurie will look into this and advise the board. If this is possible, then the public hearing could be held on 6/25 unless a special meeting is requested. The third option would be to hold a joint meeting with the ZBA on 5/28/19. However at least four ZBA members would need to be in attendance, as a quorum is required.

  • Automotive Inspection License Inquiry – Map 3, Lot 1 (formerly Autocraft) – Peter Fenton

Peter Fenton appeared before the board and advised that the Fentons are going to be opening and operating an auto and marine repair business at Map 3, Lot 1, formerly the site of Autocraft. They are working on getting it ready and would like to open soon. Part of the state inspection process involves submitting the requisite paperwork to the state. Then the Planning Board must complete a form to confirm with the state that there are no existing compliance issues. There is typically a 3 month turnaround time for approval. Having taken the time to review the property file, Peter Fenton assured the Board that they are eager to be good members of the community and that the operation would not fall into its former condition. During the conversation, Claire was able to locate a letter sent by the Select Board to the former owner, outlining the site plan conditions which were found to be in violation at that time. For reference, this letter was forwarded to Peter as well as the rest of the board members. The Board discussed some of the conditions of violation, which included some fencing which was in disrepair and other items. There was discussion around this and whether or not all of those conditions would apply, given the new ownership. The Board decided it was best to schedule a site walk of the property for June 6th @ 6pm, to get a better idea of the current condition of the property. Also discussed was the need to determine the last day that the former business was operating, as this would determine whether a change of use would be triggered. Peter stated that the date on the letter (regarding site plan violations) submitted by the Select Board was October 17, 2017, and that this could ostensibly be used as an end operating date, for all intents and purposes. The Board agreed that this is a reasonable end operating date, based on activities seen and reported on the property to the board within the past two years.

Pending Items:

  • Chestnut Hollow – The board has postponed further discussion of this until the next meeting, as Claire will be providing board members with a summary of the NHMA (NH Municipal Association) Roads and Highway conference she recently attended.

New Business:

  • Sign Permit and Site Plan revision for Rosewood Country Inn, Map 1/Lot 19 –

Owner Stan Ovrevik needs to put the sign drawing on the existing plan itself (which is an old plan). Laurie will make a copy, scan and send to Stan for him to include this on the site plan.

  • PB Secretary Posting – So far, there has only been one applicant, which was Jessica Michie. Placing an ad in the Kearsarge Shopper for $90 was discussed. Carol Troy suggested that we use a black background with white text for the Shopper ad, to create more visual impact.

Motion: Claire made a motion to place an ad in the Shopper for $90. Laurie seconded this. Decision: Motion carried 6-0. Advertising in the Intertown Record was also discussed but the Planning Board decided not to pursue this option. Marlene suggested advertising in the Messenger as well and the board was in agreement with this. Laurie will ask Karen for help with this ad placement.

  • Home Business Compliance Form – Laurie pointed out that this form reads as if it requires approval. She asked if the board would be interested in trying to reword it, or to make the form mandatory.  Pam advised that she will look into whether or not we can require mandatory approval for a home business, and whether or not there is a state RSA associated with this. She will follow up with the CNHRPC for further information.
  • Other
  1. Pam asked about whether or not the board would like to bring in a municipal lawyer to provide an annual update. The board agreed this would be a good idea.
  2. The board would like Central Planning Regional reps, Harry Wright and Jim Bibbo, to give the board an update on relevant news/updates (6/11 – TBC).
  3. Laurie advised the board that the Municipal Association has put together a new yearly document and will send out the link to board members.
  4. The US Census asked the town about putting up yard signs in Bradford and what regulations are with respect to this. The limit for temporary, informational signs is 30 days, per our regulations. This includes any political signage.
  5. RSA 6:74, 4b was discussed. This has not been passed as of yet but would require planning boards to obtain 3 quotes for engineers when seeking assistance with site plan reviews.
  6. It was noted that the updated site plan for Unless, LCC was submitted.
  7. Claire advised the board that Mike Tardiff will be appearing on 5/28/19 instead of the originally planned 5/14/19. Mike advised that he would like to provide the board with more time to review the Land Use chapter ahead of the scheduled meeting, and will be forwarding a copy of this to board members.


Motion – Laurie made a motion to adjourn. Carol Troy seconded the motion.

Decision – Motion carried 6-0.

Meeting adjourned at 9:20pm.