Planning Board Minutes 05.28.19

Planning Board Minutes

May 28 2019

Bradford NH Meeting called to order 6:59 PM

Members present: Pam Bruss, Laurie Colburn, Tom Dunn, Carol Meise Absent: Carol Troy and Claire James Alternate Marlene Freyler sat in

7:04 Carol Troy and Claire James seated.

Review and Consideration of May 5, 2019 minutes Carol Meise to accept minutes, members voted to accept


Map 3 lot 52a Jessica Michie came before the board to make sure she had all she needed to put her site plan forward for a hearing. A storm water management plan is in place, and the site plan shows minimum setbacks and sign position and size are in order. The plan goes before zoning on June 5th, 2019 with a planned public comment meeting for June 25, 2019.

Mike Tardiff Master plan review Consider revisions to Zoning Ordinance which protects Bradford’s rural character while allowing desirable non-residential development Reductions to frontage and buildable lot size in Residential Business District. Modify zone boundaries to include areas outside of 500 feet of streets within zone Develop a table of uses by zoning district to better protect residential areas from incompatible uses. See town of Fremont zoning map and uses. Consider the development of specific special exception criteria for commercial/industrial uses, including junkyards Encourage use of Cluster Residential Development by offering density bonus for agricultural and other land protection Protection of Bradford’s open and natural Resources Develop and adopt Aquifer protection overlay district that will prohibit or restrict new potential contamination sources Continue to promote agriculture and related uses Consider the use of density transfer credits to redirect development from areas of high ecological value. This recommendation brought much discussion among board members and we thought needed further consideration Utilize existing and potential economic development tools and incentives to support economic development Use EDC to promote Bradford’s economic base Advertise the availability of the NH RSA 79-e community revitalization tax life incentive through the residential business district (RBD) Consider designation of underutilized commercial areas as an economic revitalization zone Explore issues of water quality and quantity in RBD Revisit use of 2009 TIF zone Advertise commercial properties through Promote development of Naughton property Improve broadband and cell coverage Development of business incubator


Claire James discussed her summary of Hard road to travel Workshop in April. This workshop covered the management of roads and bridges and the town’s responsibility for class VI and private roads.

Ads for PB secretary will be posted in shopper next week

Rosewood country inn sign is being confirmed as done

Planning board communications:

Site walk June 6 Autocraft at 6 pm

Next PB meeting June 11, 2019 at 7 PM

PB adjourned at 8:59 PM