Planning Board Minutes 05.11.10

MAY 11, 2010

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Marcia Keller, Chair opened the meeting with Harry Wright, Selectmen’s Representative, Sonny Harris, Bill Glennie, Phil LaMoreaux, Jim Bibbo, Alternate and Marge Cilley, Secretary present. Barbara Vannata and Barry Wheeler were absent.

Marcia Keller, Chair seated Jim Bibbo for Barbara Vannata.

Review and Consideration of the April 13, 2010 minutes:

Motion was made by Jim Bibbo to approve the April 13, 2010 minutes. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0 with the edit of adding Barry Wheeler being absent.

To Do Folder:

Selby Site Plan Revision, 57 W. Main Street, Map 16, Lot 96:

Motion was made to approve the Revisions of the Site Plan, Map 16, Lot 96, showing the Main entrance, and the removing of the fence around the dumpster with the exception of having the Owner of Record, sign the form. Motion seconded and carried unanimously. This will be returned for required signature.

Copies of letters sent to Selby, Corsair Realty and Ledgewood Pines for the Board’s information resulting from the last Planning Board meeting.

IAMNET,INC Public Hearing for Site Plan:

James and Bill Thompson, IAMNET, Inc. came before the Planning Board for the purpose of the Public Hearing for their Site Plan on the property of Jeffrey Renk to provide high speed internet service around the Lake Massasecum area.

Marcia Keller, Chair stepped down for the Public Hearing, and Bill Glennie will be Acting Chair at this time.

Bill Glennie advised DSL does not reach the area of concern and they will have capabilities and have had responses of about 30 residents. Mr. Thompson advised they have had a test antennae up since October 2009. There is no permanent foundation. Bill Glennie advised the reason for this hearing is because they would be creating a commercial use in a rural/residential zone.

Motion was made by Phil LaMoreaux to accept the IAMNET,Inc application as complete. Seconded by Jim Bibbo. Motion carried 5-0.

The following waivers were requested by IAMNET, Inc. which were voted on individually.

1. Performance Bond
2. Floor Plan and Elevations
3. Erosion and Sedimentation plan
4. Town Engineer Inspection
5. Existing and proposed Screening
6. Existing and proposed buffers
7. Description of proposed grading
8. Boundary Survey shown
9. Gas, Electric, telephone, CATV, Utility lines
10. Existing and proposed landscaping
11. Existing and proposed contours
12. Location, elevation and layout of  Drainage
13. Water and Sewage-No building-No Staff
14. Permanent First Floor Elevation
15. Topography at 2′ intervals
16. Reproducible mylar
17. Escrow fees
18. Other required exhibits
19. Water supply and sewage
20. Locating, type, direction lighting
21. Location, size design of signs
22. Solid waste disposal facility
23. Ingress-Egress of Site
24. Off Street Parking
25. Elevation View (No vote)
26. Plan of all buildings

All the above waivers were voted on individually, and each carried in the affirmative with 5-0 votes.

Bill Glennie, Acting Chair opened the floor for Public Hearing.

One woman advised she is very much in favor of this endeavor. James Thompson explained the plans for long range wireless. Bill Thompson showed a sample of the equipment that would go on each house to accept the wireless high speed internet service.

Bill Glennie closed the Public Hearing. It was mentioned that there will be a Public Hearing for a Special Exception by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on June 1, 2010.

Motion was made by Phil LaMoreaux to approve the Site Plan Application for IAMNET.Inc conditional upon the receipt of the two Special Exceptions being sought with The Zoning Board of Adjustment. Harry Wright seconded. Motion carried 5-0.

Harry Wright, Selectmen Representative added that IAMNET, INC does a good job for the town.

Marcia Keller, Chair thanked Bill Glennie for Acting Chair.

Mike Elmes, Woodview Heights was not present.

Jim Bruss, Main Street Conceptual Consultation re: Dodges Store Map 17, Lot 2 & 3:

Jim Goldee represented Jim Bruss regarding the former Dodges Store building on East Main Street. Two parcels are being discussed. The existing block building on Lot 2, is to be retained and renovated in its entirety. The proposal on the wooden structure that is the adjacent building on Lot 3, would be to take it down and build parking for the structure on Lot 2. The storage garages on Lot 3 would remain for the same use. The proposal for the block building on Lot 2 would be to renovate it for a restaurant. There is an existing well which would continue to be used. The existing septic field currently is too close. The proposal would be to build a new septic, back on lot 3. Since a restaurant would seat more than 25 patrons a day, they do seek approval from the Dept. of Environmental Services. The existing well as long as it provides the amount that is necessary and the quality necessary will be utilized. However, a back up plan does need to be considered, just in case, which would be to drill a new well back on the property line between Map 17, Lot 1 and Map 17, Lot 2. Lot 1 is owned by Paul Saxby and Lot 2 is owned by Geoffrey and Sarah Hirsch. Both parties are very cooperative. Question is, is it an easement on both lots, or is a Lot Line Adjustment in order, where about an acre would be taken from one lot and added to the other so the easement would be on one lot only?

The building has also been discussed as being used just as a retail facility per Mr. Goldee, in which case, the back-up well plan would not be required.

A Lot Line Adjustment is being considered at this time, and was discussed at length as the board perused a map presented by Mr. Goldee. This would be considered as two different applications.

The CNHRPC Circuit Rider may be contacted.

William and Jane Lucas,Old Mountain Road, Map 4, Lot 34 & 34A represented by Roger Rodewald, Riverside Design, Lot Line Adjustment:

Roger Rodewald, Riverside Design came before the board regarding a Lot Line Adjustment and will file an Application including the Mylar for the June 8, 2010 meeting. The abutters will have to be notified.

Bob Foley, 111 Massasecum Ave. Conceptual Consultation, Map 11, Lot 13 and Map 11, Lot 47 on 112 Massasecum Ave.:

Sonny Harris stepped down. Mr. Foley is hoping to split off 10 or 12 acres. The tax map was brought up for the board’s perusal. A copy of Mr. Foley’s deed was received. Mr. Foley advised he had discussed his desires with his attorney who advised him to talk with the Planning Board. The consensus of the Planning Board is that they actually have no input in this endeavor, there is no sub-division required.

Gravel pit wording of extension of permits:

This discussion will be tabled until Phil LaMoreaux discusses with Bruce Edwards what he is basing his comments on regarding state regulations for timing.

Other Business to come before the Board:

Marcia Keller, Chair advised she had spoken with the Selectmen regarding updating the CIP. It was thought that perhaps Andrew Pinard could be contacted regarding the projection of programs from the Kearsarge Regional School District to help in updating the CIP. Gary Wall also asked if Marcia Keller, Chair would talk with the Budget Committee regarding the CIP.

Also, there is no report tonight regarding the Mosiac Artiques sign size, the Building Inspector is going to measure.

Existing signs discussed were: Lumber Barn and The Junction.

Jim Bibbo and Sonny Harris attended the Planning Seminar and Marcia asked them to summarize the topics etc at the next Planning Board meeting on May 25, 2010.

Once again, several names were discussed as to being Planning Board Alternates.

Marcia Keller, Chair requested the board members come up with suggestions and ideas in writing for changes for the Zoning Ordinances.

The Planning Board authorized Marge Cilley, Secretary to order a 100 capacity wooden cassette rack in which to store the tapes which we keep for two years.

Meeting adjourned at 9:20pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley