Planning Board Minutes 06.11.19

Meeting called to order by Pam Bruss at 7:00PM

Roll Call: Pam Bruss, Carol Troy, Laurie Colburn, Carol Meise, Marlene Freyler (Alternate seated), Steve Chase (Alternate), Michael James, Selectmen’s Rep (7:19pm)

Tom Dunne, Doug Troy – Absent

To Do:

Review & Consideration of May 28th, 2019 minutes.

Motion: Claire James motioned to approve the minutes with edits made to the format of the members present versus absent, grammatical edits identified by Claire and the year added to the month and day references.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 5-0 in favor


Matt Monahan, from Central New Hampshire Regional Planning, appeared to review the Housing Needs Assessment developed based upon regional demographic trends and feedback from the Master Plan survey and Visioning Session. CNHRP has reviewed whether Bradford’s Zoning is consistent with the Housing Needs Assessment and found that the two items are primarily in sync. Some attention to accessory units, multi-family, rental units and smaller housing was recommended to support demographic needs.

Bradford’s housing stock is projected to increase by 111 units between 2010 and 2040 with about one-quarter of those units being rental property. The population is projected to increase by about 16% during that same time period. Matt noted that the 30 to 39 year old bracket is expected to have the largest increase during that timeframe and the 50 to 59 year old bracket is expected to be the largest cohort which suggests a slight continuation in an aging trend with Bradford’s population.

Matt will send the Board hard population number and any questions about the data provided will be collected and sent to CNHRP for a response.

Motion: Claire James motioned to adjust the agenda schedule moving a discussion about the Capital Improvement Plan to allow an appearance by Pete Fenton.

Second: Carol Meise

Pete stated he could wait so the CIP discussion continued.

Claire provided an update on formation of the 2019 CIP Committee. Members identified are Justin Dohrn, Caleb Connor, Jason Allen, Karen Hambleton, Carol Troy, Claire James and Marlene Freyler.

Motion: Claire James motioned to accept the CIP Committee members identified.

Second: Carol Meise

Decision: 6-0 in favor

Motion: Laurie Colburn motioned to discuss the Site Walk of Map 3/Lot 1, conducted June 6th, 2019, as the next agenda item.

Second: Carol Meise

Decision: 6-0 in favor

Pete Fenton appeared to discuss a Site walk conducted for Hill’s Auto and Marine Repair who recently purchase Map 3/Lot 1. Pam Bruss, Claire James, Carol Troy, Laurie Colburn and Tom Dunne had conducted a Site Walk to review compliance with the existing Site Plan. Pete Fenton and Pete Hill were in attendance at that meeting as well. Some variance’s from the approved Site Plan exist but there were no areas of concern identified outside of repairing one section of fencing near the entrance to the driveway and submitting a revised Site Plan once the business is fully established. Pete was agreeable to repairing the fence and will submit a revised Site Plan in the future which eliminates a cement storage pad that will not be used and updating any signage placement and lighting.

Pending Business:

Claire wrapped up a summary of the NHMA (NH Municipal Association) Roads and Highway conference she recently attended. The discussion covered classification of Summer Cottage and Winter Roads, road boundaries, bridges, driveways, various road damage situations, signage and parking regulations. Claire will provide some additional information on RSA details related to conditions when aid is received for bridge work, RSA 47:17:VII (snow removal from sidewalks), RSA 646:17 (political signage) as well as RSA’s related to 911 compliance. She will also follow up on right of way details by road classification to help the Board members understand what the Town easements are. The Board discussed proposing Zoning Regulations for driveways and will follow up with Steve Hall. The Board also discussed whether Road Bonds should be collected when construction and logging activity is underway. Michael James will discuss this with the Select Board.

Chestnut Hollow Road update: pending further review.

Pam will follow up with Mike Tardif (CNHRP) and the status of distribution of the draft Master Plan.

New Business:

Pam outlined the mechanics of a Site Plan review exercise completed at the Planning and Zoning Spring Conference which included highlighting various plan components. Marlene will bring highlighters to the June 25th, 2019 Public Hearing and Pam will walk the Board through this exercise. Laurie asked to invite the Economic Development Committee to the 1st meeting in July. The Board agreed and Laurie will coordinate attendance.

Carol Troy asked for clarification on the process to appoint Alternates and the time period for which they can be appointed. Doug Troy’s Appointment paperwork had not been processed and it was unclear if an Alternate could be appointed for a period longer than one year. Laurie will follow up on both items as well as when Steve Chase’s appointment expires.

Motion: Carol Meise motioned to appoint Doug Troy as a Planning Board Alternate.

Second: Claire James

Decision: 6-0 in favor

Planning Board Communications:

Pam noted two approved driveway permits that were approved by the State for Map 17/Lot 35 & 39 and Map 3/Lot 52-2A.

A grant notice was received from USDA for Map2/Lot 202. The Board will need to determine if this lot is operating as a Home Business or a Commercial Business. Laurie will review the property file.

The Board received a notice from FEMA that flood plains are currently being reviewed.

The Board reviewed expenses against the budget. $6,833 remains of the $10,000 budgeted.

Pam signed an Abutter Notice for a Public Hearing scheduled for the next meeting. The Board also needs to determine if there is a Storm Water Runoff impact with the proposed Site Plan as an independent engineer review would be needed and the Board is conscious that the applicant has a tight timeline they are trying to manage. Pam also suggested scheduling a Site walk for Map 3/Lot 52-2A. Laurie will contact the owner and provide any noticing to target a Site Walk on June 25th, 2019 at 5:30pm.

Pam also proposed beginning to do a Site Walk and Google Earth review prior to a Site Plan Hearing along with a follow up Site Walk one year after, and ongoing, until the Site Plan has been fully implemented as a standard operating procedure going forward.

Claire has spoken with Andie Ormiston who is interested in applying for the Planning Board Secretary role, although only as an interim resource through the summer. Claire will have Andie submit her resume and Laurie will schedule an interview.

The next Planning Board meeting will be June 25th, 2019. Motion: Claire James motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:47pm. Second: Carol Troy Decision: 6-0 in favor Meeting adjourned Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn

The next Planning Board meeting will be June 25th, 2019. A Site Walk (5:30pm) and a Public Hearing (7:00pm) will be held concerning a Site Plan application for Map 3/Lot 52-2A.

Motion: Claire James motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:47pm.

Second: Carol Troy

Decision: 6-0 in favor

Meeting adjourned

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn