Planning Board Minutes 06.28.22

The meeting was called to order at 7:00

Members: Pam Bruss-Chair, Carol Troy-Vice Chair, Carol Meise, Laurie Colburn, Mel Pfeifle-Selectmen’s Rep, Steve Chase-Alternate & Katie Olohan-Alternate

Guests: Matt Monahan-CNHRPC, Mike Fournier & Doug Troy 

Ms. Carol Meise motioned to approve the 05.24.22 Planning Board Minutes. Seconded by Ms. Mel Pfeifle. All ayes. 

Appearances: Mr. Matt Monahan from Central NH Regional Planning Commission (CNHRPC) will be present at each meeting going forward. He will also have office hours for the public and applicants multiple days each month from 9:30am to 11:30am at the Town Office. Mr. Monahan can also be reached via phone. His updated contact information was posted on the Town website. 

Mr. Monahan suggested creating an online fee schedule. It would include a selective price list indicating lot fees. Mr. Monahan will manage all applications and collect checks for the Town. The submittal process will include electronic or paper applications, but fees must be in check form. Mr. Monahan will research if a W-9 is necessary for the application.

Lot Line Adjustment: Chair Bruss explained that the current subdivision applications are very lengthy, and many aspects are not applicable. Ms. Katie Olohan created a first draft for an application that will be reviewed by Mr. Monahan to improve communication between the Zoning Board, the building inspector, and Planning Board. The board’s approval depends on additional measures that are being added or removed to the new application. It will be discussed at the next public hearing in order to adopt the new regulations. 

74 Davis Rd-Resident, Mike Fournier presented a proposed lot line adjustment for Map 22, Lots 16 and 17. Mr. Fournier bought his neighbors plot, from Davis Rd to the next property. The lot line adjustment proposed by the landowner would make the lots more non-conforming. After discussion between the Board and the landowner, it was decided that a survey map and additional information regarding the acreage is necessary in order to determine a buildable lot. The Board will do a site walk next meeting July 26th at 6pm. The public hearing will follow to adopt the application forms. 

Shoreline Protection Review: The Zoning Board is currently finding inconsistencies amongst the zoning regulations pertaining to lakes. Chair Bruss said the lakes need more detailed criteria due to necessary protection for water quality. Mr. Fournier was concerned about the campground by the lake. It currently has an abundance of temporary buildings most of which are not following current guidelines or not up to code. Mr. Monahan stated after reviewing the zoning, any decision regarding interpretation of the zoning section should be cited. There were concerns about the building inspector addressing zoning issues. Discussion ensued. Mr. Monahan will streamline the Shoreline Protection Review moving forward.  

CIP Committee: Ms. Carol Troy and previous members of the CIP committee will be coming back. The first meeting will be July 13th at 7pm. They will follow a similar schedule to last year. Ms. Laurie Colburn said Tim McKenna was interested in joining as a volunteer. 

Pending tasks: 

-Lot line adjustment, finalize edits and adopt the forms. 

-Updating the fee schedule.

-Review and update applications for Shoreline Protection. 

-Ms. Colburn will finish her paperwork and schedule to be sworn in

-Chair Bruss will finalize Mr. Doug Troy’s paperwork.

Ms. Meise motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Chair Bruss. All ayes. 

Meeting adjourned at 8:00.

Respectfully submitted by Hannah Gardner