Planning Board Minutes 06.23.15



TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 2015


Meeting called to order by Jim Bibbo, Chair, at 7:04pm

Members Present

Jim Bibbo, Chair; Garrett Bauer; Claire James; Carol Troy

Steve Chase, Alternate, seated for Mark Keith; Marcia Keller, Alternate, seated for Erich Caron

Members Absent

Erich Caron; Mark Keith; Sonny Harris, Selectmen’s Rep; Miriam D’Angona, Alternate

Review and Consideration of Minutes

Edit to Master Plan- “He will begin organizational efforts and check-in two meetings from now”.

Motion made to approve minutes of June 9, 2015 with edit. Voted 6-0.

Sign Ordinance Review & Discussion

Chair requested board members review current sign ordinance. Stated he handed out copies of current sign ordinance to local businesses and the Bradford Business Association in an effort to get some input for future revisions. Problems, enforcement protocol and inconsistencies with current sign ordinance discussed. It was suggested that the Code Enforcement Officer be invited to a monthly Planning Board meeting to help improve inter-departmental consistency. Secretary will draft a letter to be signed by Chair and mailed out later this week.

Report on Agricultural Ordinances

Zoning Ordinance for Agricultural Retail Outlets from the Town of Pembroke reviewed for the board’s information with specific attention paid to requirements for farm stands and farmer’s markets. Board emphasized enabling not restricting local businesses. Board members will read provided ordinance for informative purposes and revisit down the line.

CIP Report

CIP Chair pointed out that town departments have been responsive to CIP requests. The Police Dept is the only remaining town department to interview. Next CIP meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, July 1, 2015 at 6:00pm in the BACC Youth Room.

Additional Business

– It was suggested that board members sort through the Planning Board files that have remained stored at Town Hall.

The next Planning Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 7:00pm.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00pm