Planning Board Minutes 06.25.24

Call to Order 7:03 pm

Roll Call: Katie Olohan, Shanna Griffin, Carol Meise, Rich Olohan, Laurie Colburn, Steve Chase (alternate), Chip Meany (Select Board Representative).

Review & Consideration of the May 28, 2024 minutes.

Motion: Laurie Colburn moved to approve the May 28, 2024 as written.

Second: Shanna Griffin

Decision: 7-0, all in favor

Site Plan Application, Fisherfield apartment condo conversion Map 16 Lots 73, 77 & 82.

Katie read into the record the NH RSA relevant to this proposal.

 356-B:5 Municipal Ordinances. – No zoning or other land use ordinance shall prohibit condominiums as such by reason of the form of ownership inherent therein. Neither shall any condominium be treated differently by any zoning or other land use ordinance which would permit a physically identical project or development under a different form of ownership. No subdivision ordinance in any city or town shall apply to any condominium or to any subdivision of any convertible land, convertible space, or unit unless such ordinance is by its express terms made applicable thereto. Nevertheless, cities and towns may provide by ordinance that proposed conversion condominiums and the use thereof which do not conform to the zoning, land use and site plan regulations of the respective city or town in which the property is located shall secure a special use permit, a special exception, or variance, as the case may be, prior to becoming a conversion condominium. In the event of an approved conversion to condominiums, cities, towns, village districts, or other political subdivisions may impose such charges and fees as are lawfully imposed by such political subdivisions as a result of construction of new structures to the extent that such charges and fees, or portions of such charges and fees, imposed upon property subject to such conversions may be reasonably related to greater or additional services provided by the political subdivision as a result of the conversion. Source. 1977, 468:1, eff. Sept. 10, 1977.

Bryan Stevens, owner, appeared to answer questions from the Board.

Laurie asked if the condominiums would have single owners or, would the condominiums be owned and rented. 

Bryan answered that his intention is to sell the property. It could be purchased entirely, or apartments sold individually.

Speaking to site plans, Bryan said there are a number of plans that have not been approved by the Town and have been grandfathered.

Speaking to the problem of numbering the units for fire and safety purposes, Bryan said the drive would become a named lane and the units would be numbered.

Shanna: How many units?

Bryan: Four buildings each with four units, 16 units.

Chip: Who is responsible for maintenance of the septic and well?

Bryan: Responsibility would fall to the board of directors of a condominium association.

Katie: For the application, the bylaws of the condominium association will be needed together with deeding information.

Bryan: Those documents are drafted but not final.

Jacques Belanger, J.E. Belanger Land Surveying, distributed site plans.

Bryan discussed changing driveway access. Laurie suggested that a lot line adjustment would be needed.

Motion: Laurie Colburn moved to conditionally accept the application as complete provided the Board receives a copy of the condominium declaration and bylaws, as well proposed easement language granting access to the well and septic lots.

Second: Shanna Griffin

Decision: 7-0, All in favor

Applicant will appear at the July 23 meeting.

Public Hearing:  None

Appearances: Steve Hall appeared to discuss driveway regulations. Katie responded the meeting to discuss that will be at 1:00 on Wednesday, June 26.

Unfinished Business:  

Table of uses- Commercial – Mapping update/ Masterplan-tabled

Tiny home ordinance. The Board engaged in a wide-ranging discussion of legislation and ordinances applying to accessory dwelling units, tiny housing communities, short term rental problems, revenue coming to the Town from the state rooms and meals tax on short term rentals. Laurie volunteered to investigate rooms and meals revenue with the budget committee.

Work on driveway access regulations with the Highway and Fire Departments – There will be a meeting on Wednesday, June 26 to discuss this with Fire and Highway. The purpose is to see if there are requirements that should be included in site planning.

Public Comments: Katie read an email from Ann Eldridge of the Conservation Commission asking (1) if there is an inspection process for the sand pit at Jones Road and Route 114, and (2) if there is a site plan for property on Jones Road. Chip will inform the Code Enforcement Officer of the concerns.

Katie asked about progress on the Surface Water Overlay District. Carol said a map has been agreed upon. A public hearing and public outreach were discussed.

Laurie asked if the Board wanted to get support of updating the Master Plan which is at 16 years. Katie will discuss this with Matt Monahan. Laurie suggested it would be good to have this by October so funding, if necessary, can be included in the budget.


Motion: Carol Meise moved that the meeting be adjourned.

Second: Shanna Griffin

Decision: 7-0, All in favor

Meeting adjourned at 8:08 pm.

Minutes generated from Town Hall Streams

Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary