Planning Board Minutes 07.14.20



July 14,2020  


The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm

Members Present: Pam Bruss (Chair), Carol Troy (Vice Chair), Carol Meise, Alternate Steve Chase, Alternate Doug Troy, Laurie Colburn, Michael James (Selectmen’s Rep) and Mel Pfeifle.

Members Absent: Tom Dunne

Public Present: Gerald Martin II and Sonny Harris

To Do:

  • Review and consideration of the June 23rd, 2020 minutes

Motion: Carol Troy motioned to accept the minutes as written.

Second: Carol Meise

Decision: Laurie Colburn-Ayes, Carol Meise-Ayes, Michael James-Ayes, Carol Troy- Ayes, and Mel Pfeifle.


  • Gerald H Martin, II residing at 121 Forest Street Bradford, NH 03221 for the review of a lot line of adjustment application.

Gerald (Jay) Martin spoke in regards to a lot line adjustment. Gerald explained that the lot line adjustment is intended to adjust the lot line in preparation of a pending sale. The planning Board reviewed the application. The board discussed and let the applicant know that the Board will need three additional copies of the survey and a mylar, the survey will need a seal on the survey, and the one-hundred-year flood line needs to be documented on the survey as well. A Public Hearing is scheduled for the 28th of July 2020 at 7:00pm.

  • Sonny Harris came before the Board to become an alternate. Sonny stated that members of the community have reached out and expressed their desire to have him serve on the Planning Board. The Planning Board discussed Sonny becoming an alternate. Pam Bruss addressed some concerns in regards to some friction between the board members also, previous interaction and input Sonny contributed while serving on the Planning Board in previous years.

Carol Troy asked Sonny Harris if his profession was still in real estate and wanted to clarify that if so, it will not be a conflict of interest. Sonny confirmed that his participation on the Board and his profession will remain separate from one another. Mel Pfeifle stated that Sonny would be an asset due to his knowledge of soil samples, the Bradford area and knowledge of the environment.

Motion: Laurie Colburn motioned to appoint Sonny Harris as an alternate.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: Laurie Colburn-Ayes, Carol Meise-Ayes, Michael James-nay, Mel Pfeifle- Ayes, Carol Troy-Ayes, Pam Bruss- Abstain.

Sonny Harris was appointed as an alternate. Carol Meise and Laurie Colburn will need to sign the appointment (unable to sign at meeting, attendance was via Zoom).

Other Communications:

  • The board will table the review of multiple applications and documents that are in need of updating, forms will be emailed to the board for review and brought up to date. Pam has had communication with the Chair of the Zoning Board Brooks McCandlish in regards to forms that need to be updated and revised as well.
  • Laurie Colburn would like to add some short-term items from the Master Plan on the next agenda, and in the next couple of meetings spend some time finding some specific things to begin working on. Short-term items will be added to the August 11th, 2020 agenda.
  • Carol Troy confirmed that the next CIP meeting will be on July 20th,2020 at 7:00pm.

Planning Board Communications:

The next Planning Board Meeting will be held on July 28th, 2020 at 7:00pm at the Bradford Community Center on 134 East Main Street & remotely on the ZOOM platform. To access and participate in a Planning Board meeting using the Zoom platform, either:

  1. To join Zoom meeting online:

Meeting ID: 309 707 493

Password: 757403


  1. Use a telephone to dial one of the following numbers:

 +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

 +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

 +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

 +1 253 215 8782 US

 +1 301 715 8592 US

 +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

And enter the following Meeting ID when prompted:

Meeting ID: 309 707 493

              Password: 757403

Motion: Carol Troy motioned to adjourn

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: Laurie Colburn-Ayes, Carol Meise-Ayes, Michael James-Ayes, Carol Troy- Ayes, Mel Pfeifle-Ayes, Pam Bruss-Ayes.

Adjourned at 7:40pm.

Approved Minutes submitted by

Katie Olohan

Planning Board Secretary