Planning Board Minutes 07.23.19

Meeting called to order by Claire James at 7:02PM

Roll Call Claire James (Vice Chair) Carol Troy Marlene Freyler (alternate) Carol Meise Laurie Colburn Steve Chase (alternate) Tom Dunne (arrived at 7:20pm)

Absent – Pam Bruss (Chair), Doug Troy (alternate), Michael James (Selectman’s Rep)

Steve Chase (alternate) and Marlene Freyler (alternate) were seated in place of Pam Bruss and Tom Dunne.

To Do:

1. Review & Consideration of July 9th, 2019 minutes.

Motion: Carol Troy motioned to approve the minutes.

Second: Carol Meise

Decision: 6-0 in favor


• Follow up on Chestnut Hollow Road – Claire & Pam scheduled a meeting during the first week of August to discuss and look through files regarding Chestnut Hollow Road. Marlene Freyler commented that she will give the Board the contact information of a potential Bradford resident who has information pertaining to Chestnut Hollow Road.

• Master Plan – Review of Natural Resources & Transportation Chapters – Claire James has only emailed the Natural Resources chapter to the Board, but no other chapters included in the Master Plan. Claire James will email the Transportation chapter to the Board, but is waiting for Mike Tardiff to send additional chapters.

• August agenda to include meeting with the Economic Development Committee – Laurie Colburn will follow up with Karen Hambleton, a member of the Economic Development Committee.

• Follow up on Map2/Lot 102 – 69 Center Road, USDA grant recipient – The Board discussed whether the activity on the property is a commercial venture or home business, pertaining to agricultural activities, and how to draw the distinction between commercial and home business ventures. The board discussed the multiple variables that would draw this distinction, including zoning regulations and traffic. Pam Bruss will follow up on this.

• Adding a Conservation easement question to applications – Andie Ormiston and Laurie Colburn will follow up on this, and will submit a public notice to accept the amended applications.

• Kennel licensing update from State – Claire James had received a voicemail after calling the State but has not been able to reach the State since, and will follow up on this.

• Agricultural Zoning Review – The members of the Agricultural Zoning Review Board have not met, and will follow up on this.

Planning Board Communications:

• The next Planning Board meeting will be August 13th, 2019 at 7:00pm


Motion: Carol Meise motioned to adjourn the meeting.

Second: Steve Chase

Decision: 7-0 in favor Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm

Minutes submitted by Andie Ormiston